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I can't sugar coat any of this horrid play by the team anymore. The only side of the ball that seems to show up every week is the d. I will not drink the kool-aid anymore...Wyoming can't compete at the Moutain West level...PERIOD right now!!!! I have visions of past success like the next fan and wish nothing more than to return to that level. But it isn't going to happen!!!!! Perhaps once we stop playing these "body bag" games (and yes, CU is considered a body bag game--just look at the score!!!) and start playing down to our level and build the program up--then maybe we will get some excitment back into the once proud program. I know, I know--you are all saying that Wyoming can and will compete yadayada...but face the facts--Wyoming has been in the MWC for over 10 years and really only have one good season. That is only 10 percent folks. Not many jobs can you be considered good at if you are on target only 10 percent. Sure, we have had some fine wins over the Glenn years--but the last I checked, a football season is 12 games!!!! My opinion is Wyoming needs to stop playing these big programs and begin scheduling more manageable teams (I.E. WAC/MAC). I know this is wishful thinking on my part as the MWC will never allow it--but maybe that is what we need???? Because bottom line folks is...we have been "building" for awhile now and I just don't see the results--perhaps from an economical stand point we are doing well--but not on the field and I would rather see a better product on the field...
I wouldn't care if we lined up in the FU**ING single wing if we could score a touchdown.. Is it too much to ask for our offense to score 1 touchdown? Really?
Having been at all three games this year, I can't really disagree with any of your post. My impressions are these: 1) we don't have D1 qb's or receivers 2) Our offensive line looks like they have been coached to be matadors 3) our running backs don't have much speed or power, or if they do, they don't attack the hole on the rare occasion that there is a hole.

We were never a threat to score today when the game was on the line. This is against a defense that allows 60 yard qb draws to slow white qb's.

After Vic, then Joe, and now this, I've pretty much given up. Bramlett was the last decent qb we had and Michael Ford and Malcom Floyd were the last d1 receivers we've had. If we can't step it up in the next year or 2, then it's time to drop down a division. We should be playing Weber state and the Big sky instead of the MWC. We are not competitive and it's embarrassing to watch. I wish I could say it's going to get better, but not this year. We simply have no players on offense and our defense ( sound familiar?) is going to wear down very quickly.

I was very optimistic when the season began. But the coach can't coach speed and we don't have any.
Also, this offensive scheme looks like it requires the qb to make a lot of quick reads. Neither qb rarely looked past his first option. What's the point of having 5 wideouts? The receivers couldn't catch vd in a whorehouse.

Anyway, I'll be there next week but my expectations will be much lower.
2-10 season, unless a miracle - then a 3-9 season.
The pre-season forcasters were right - Pokes last in the conference.
Jesus people what were you expecting... we had the worst offense in college football last year. Yes, we need to start scoring a couple touchdowns, but we were HORRIBLE last year, and thats not going to be fixed by simply changing coaches. Its going to take awhile, I know we are all frustrated as Wyoming fans but we need to calm the hell down and realize exactly where we were coming from. Nobody needs to be talking about dropping divisions. Thats the stupidest idea I have ever heard. Thats the ultimate pussy move, and its never going to happen. We didn't build all those facilities to drop a division.

As for scheduling AQ teams like Texas, CU, Tennessee etc. There's a lot more that goes into scheduling games than simply, "who we can compete with." For ALL smaller schools, not just Wyoming, but many non-AQ teams and FCS (D-II), even from our own conference, we need those games to pay the bills. It sucks but thats the reality of college football. Its a business and bigger schools are willing to pay a lot of money for smaller schools to come to their house...which the smaller schools need to keep their athletics budget running.

Thats also not going to change no matter what division we play in. Thats why Weber St. comes to Laramie and Ft. Collins, they know they're probably going to lose, but it pays the bills for their athletics department and who knows maybe they win and get some good press. If we drop a divsion we would become another regional bitch and would still play CSU and BYU to pay us to come in for a body-bag game.

It would be the ultimate embarrassment to drop a division because we gave up. Thats the dumbest topic I always hear form Wyoming fans.
Well what's the point in competing in D1 if we cannot compete? We don't deserve to be in a conference like the MWC the way we play. We are an embarrasment to our conference and it's fans. I'd rather compete at a level than just "pay the bills"
There's no guarantee we'd compete at D-II. You can't simply presume we're going to drop down and dominate D-II. We wouldn't have the same resources we have now. Our budget would go down and income would go down and the same problems our program has now could simply be transferred down on a smaller level at D-II. There's no guarantee in anything.

If you think we are an embarrassment now, wait until how you'd feel being the laughingstock of D-I and D-II football because we gave up and dropped down a level.

You can either get realistic, take your punches now as we rebuild and recruit or you can give up and start talking about dropping down a level.

PS if you think we're an embarrassment to the conference look at SDSU, losing at IDAHO.
The QB needs to get rid of the ball. reads are lightning quick and most of the time made pre-snap. Don't care if the Oline can pass block or not, in this offense any coach will tell you they don't have to.Most of the time they are 5 blocking 6 anyways. The QB is the best O lineman on the team. Get rid of the freaking ball by your 2nd or 3rd step max and the OL will look real good. QB's biggest asset has to be his head and after the 1st 3 games I hope something clicks with these guys.

I don't bring up dropping down to Weber state level lightly. In fact, I wrote, "if we can't turn it around in a year or 2",. I've been a Wyo. fan since 76. I've seen good and bad but even during the bad I never felt we couldn't compete. But since the Vegas bowl win, I feel we can not recruit good skilled position players. The 2 qb's we brought in this year are nothing. Neither is fast and neither can throw accurately. Plus, no arm strength to speak of. This is what DC brought in, not Joe. If these guys are the future, then we will keep finishing last.

I watched CSU push CU's defensive line all over the field. We cant run or pass block. That is not a good defense we faced today. CU would be lucky to finish 5th or 6th in the Mountain West. How many people are going to be in the stands next week? What about in November when BYU or TCU comes to town? We are going to have the emptiest stands in DI if we don't get better fast.

Dennis Erikson came here and turned Scott Runyon ( a wishbone qb) into a throwing machine. How many years do we have to be patient again? I'm tired of hearing " he inherited this mess". Well if its still a mess next year, then what? And how's he going to recruit when propects see our empty stands?

Bottom line, I expected this program to improve immediately. Not to go 2 straight games without the offense generating a single scoring drive. It's totally unacceptable! Yet we get to hear the same old bullcrap about these are'nt his players and you have to wait a few years. You wait. I'll stay home.
Seriously it's not like we have a 30 game losing streak or something. We are what 4 games removed from winning a game AT Tennessee, I'd say that's "competing at this level". Regardless if they're down or not they have talent there. We're 3 games into a new coaching regime who inherited 0 talent on the offensive side of the ball. ACS will start looking better as the season goes on and we aren't playing Big 12 teams every week. I feel good that we aren't turning the ball over 6 times a game anymore. Seems like that points to an improvement a coach can make regardless of talent level and we've made it.
siliconvalleycowboy said:
I feel good that we aren't turning the ball over 6 times a game anymore. Seems like that points to an improvement a coach can make regardless of talent level and we've made it.

We could just take a knee every play and accomplish that as well.
Just a correction.. FCS isn't D2. :twocents:

Furthermore, San Diego State is way more of an embarrassment to the conference than Wyoming ever will be. If it wasn't for basketball, they'd be completely useless.
bladerunnr said:

I don't bring up dropping down to Weber state level lightly. In fact, I wrote, "if we can't turn it around in a year or 2",. I've been a Wyo. fan since 76. I've seen good and bad but even during the bad I never felt we couldn't compete. But since the Vegas bowl win, I feel we can not recruit good skilled position players. The 2 qb's we brought in this year are nothing. Neither is fast and neither can throw accurately. Plus, no arm strength to speak of. This is what DC brought in, not Joe. If these guys are the future, then we will keep finishing last.

I watched CSU push CU's defensive line all over the field. We cant run or pass block. That is not a good defense we faced today. CU would be lucky to finish 5th or 6th in the Mountain West. How many people are going to be in the stands next week? What about in November when BYU or TCU comes to town? We are going to have the emptiest stands in DI if we don't get better fast.

Dennis Erikson came here and turned Scott Runyon ( a wishbone qb) into a throwing machine. How many years do we have to be patient again? I'm tired of hearing " he inherited this mess". Well if its still a mess next year, then what? And how's he going to recruit when propects see our empty stands?

Bottom line, I expected this program to improve immediately. Not to go 2 straight games without the offense generating a single scoring drive. It's totally unacceptable! Yet we get to hear the same old bullcrap about these are'nt his players and you have to wait a few years. You wait. I'll stay home.

With that attitude nothings ever going happen. That's all I can say about that. When you have that kind of energy around your program of hopelessness and seriously considering dropping to FCS how do you expect anything good to happen? I am just as tired as you of hearing, just wait till next year. But how are we ever going to recruit and sell our program to recruits when we have fans that only show up for marquee opponents and when we proceed to lose, the same fans talk seriously about dropping to FCS. If I'm a recruit thats the last place i want to go. Whenever things go bad around here Wyoming fans talk about dropping to FCS....how do you expect the coach to recruit talent when you bring that point up and state how serious you are about that.

We all know our offense is unacceptable, but get some realistic expectations. This wasn't going to get exponentially better in 10 months. And it if you put a time limit of 1-2 years and then dropping to FCS... I just don't understand that logic. It's a losers mentality.

If you're so disheartened about Wyoming losing the last 8 years then find another team that's better and please don't bring that hopeless energy around Wyoming. I'm tired of hearing about it, because it's never going to happen. . What do you thinks going to be fun about dropping to FCS? "Competing" against Weber and the Big Sky??? That sounds terrible to me after knowing what its like to play in the MWC. That's just like settling for a fat girl because she's easy and a good cook.

I don't want to settle, maybe you do.
calpoke25 said:
If you're so disheartened about Wyoming losing the last 8 years then find another team that's better and please don't bring that hopeless energy around Wyoming. I'm tired of hearing about it, because it's never going to happen. . What do you thinks going to fun about dropping to FCS? "Competing" against Weber and the Big Sky??? That sounds terrible to me after knowing what its like to play in the MWC. That's just like settling for a fat girl because she's easy and a good cook.

I don't want to settle, maybe you do.

Damn straight calpoke,
Dropping a division would make the Black 14 incident look like an intelligent move. Who the hell would we recruit to Wyo if we dropped a division. We would have less scholarships to give out and instead of competing with 120 FBS teams for elite talent, we would be competing with every FCS, D2, D3 team in the country for whats left.

Even worse, if you think the crowd is going to be bad in November, just imagine what the War would look like if our biggest game of the year were Weber state. Boy that'd be a barn burner...might even get 8,000 people there. Especially once we finish building our luxury suites that would be relegated to nothing more than a multi-million dollar wind break.

Yep, I'm sold.
If you want to have a kid, you can't get 9 women pregnant to cut 8 months off the process. Some things just take time.

We lost two of our backbone running backs this year. We fired our coach at the end of the season. The coach hadn't done much recruiting. We knew our offense was going to be problematic this season.

We hire a new coach in December, he has to take over a team, find recruits, and implement his offensive scheme. We here it over and over again, the scheme won't change, but the players will. I have no doubt that it will continue to improve

We went from 7 turnovers a game to 1 turnover a game. There are 40+ new players on the field since spring ball. They will improve with time and there isn't anything I've seen so far that can't be fixed.

I will continue to support the Pokes as they improve and get their offense together even if it takes a few years.
WestWYOPoke said:
Damn straight calpoke,
Dropping a division would make the Black 14 incident look like an intelligent move. Who the hell would we recruit to Wyo if we dropped a division. We would have less scholarships to give out and instead of competing with 120 FBS teams for elite talent, we would be competing with every FCS, D2, D3 team in the country for whats left.

Even worse, if you think the crowd is going to be bad in November, just imagine what the War would look like if our biggest game of the year were Weber state. Boy that'd be a barn burner...might even get 8,000 people there. Especially once we finish building our luxury suites that would be relegated to nothing more than a multi-million dollar wind break.

Yep, I'm sold.

Whew I'm glad to see there's at least some fans left who believe. People think we're going to drop to FCS and have the exact same team we do right now...which we won't. We won't recruit ANYONE, we won't get any TV/Conference,BCS revenue, have less scholarships, and less fan support. I sure am not coming back to any games to watch us compete against the likes of Northern Arizona and Eastern Washington of the mighty Big Sky Conference.
It makes me sick to think about the great atmosphere last week at the War and 1 week later people are talking about hosting Eastern Washington as a viable alternative because our feelings are hurt by 8 years of losing. Hey maybe we could get lucky and get Sam Houston St. to come on up to the War when we drop to FCS! I can't wait! And then we can feel so good about ourselves for playing such a fun, friendly game in front of 6,000 people!
wyobrandon said:
If you want to have a kid, you can't get 9 women pregnant to cut 8 months off the process. Some things just take time.

We lost two of our backbone running backs this year. We fired our coach at the end of the season. The coach hadn't done much recruiting. We knew our offense was going to be problematic this season.

We hire a new coach in December, he has to take over a team, find recruits, and implement his offensive scheme. We here it over and over again, the scheme won't change, but the players will. I have no doubt that it will continue to improve

We went from 7 turnovers a game to 1 turnover a game. There are 40+ new players on the field since spring ball. They will improve with time and there isn't anything I've seen so far that can't be fixed.

I will continue to support the Pokes as they improve and get their offense together even if it takes a few years.

Thank you too. It's good to see some people with realistic expectations for improvement.
Wyobrandon made a good post. It's spot on. This takes time, we're not going to see immediate improvement just because we have a new face on the sideline. The way I see it, we're not turning the ball over, mistakes are minimizing, the team is working harder, but they'll put the pieces together. It's not like CU was a horrific team, they aren't a good Big 12 team, but they're not terrible either.

BTW, Weber's not even the best team in the Big Sky. :)
Mr. Titelist i disagree i think Weber is most definantly the best team in the Big Sky until the Griz decide on Roper or Selle
Now we are all Wyoming fans and part of being a fan is believing we competed with Texas for a half! Beat Tenn. who today had a good game with Fla. Listen Glenn didnt know how to recruit he recruited FCS caliber players at best DC has us going the right way but he runs an offense where he needds his guys and those guys are starting to show a little bit and i think ACS is special he just has to get more comfortable im tired of people claiming they are wyoming fans and then just knocking the program i grew up with wyoming if i didnt know any better i would say my blood is brown n gold so lets give DC a chance the guy is 3 games into his first year so lets rally behind him a little bit and Go Pokes

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