Ah yes...now the gatekeeping.First off, why is there a discussion of Wyoming high school players on the Univerisity of Wyoming Football board? This board is for Wyoming football, not those that played HS in Wyoming - there is another board for that.
And more importantly:
This is a sports message board (for entertainment). It is not the gospel, it has no teeth, it is a vent / discussion / idea gathering of people with a like-minded love for the Wyoming Cowboys. Parents, Athletes, Friends of Athletes, and on and on, should avoid coming here (or any message board) IMO. It takes a thick skin. It can be trite, rude, and downright insulting, but again, it is a message board. Reader beware.
By your own logic....if a discussion about Wyoming recruits veers into a "where are they now" type of thread, feel free to skip over it. There is no clear line of boundary when that happens.
More importantly...this thing that has happened where discourse that would be completely out of bounds in any other setting is seen as acceptable or even encouraged online needs to die somehow.