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Colson Coon and Luke Talich

The criticism of Talich is undeserved. He took an opportunity to go to a big time program, good for him. Maybe Notre Dame offers a degree program he is interested in. Notre Dame certainly doesn’t hurt on a resume. He never committed to Wyoming so he isn’t backing out of a commitment. Sour grapes by a few on here.

BTW ‘walk-ons’ at programs like Notre Dame are paid pretty well.
OrediggerPoke said:
The criticism of Talich is undeserved. He took an opportunity to go to a big time program, good for him. Maybe Notre Dame offers a degree program he is interested in. Notre Dame certainly doesn’t hurt on a resume. He never committed to Wyoming so he isn’t backing out of a commitment. Sour grapes by a few on here.

BTW ‘walk-ons’ at programs like Notre Dame are paid pretty well.

Agreed, I don't know Luke or Talichs personally, but I do personally know some of his extended family. They are good folks and plenty of loyalty and commitment to their state and local community. I was suspecting he was going to pick ND, wish him the best. Who knows, if it doesn't work out trade that navy and gold for some good ol Brown and Gold.
He’d be dumb not to go to Notre Dame. Good for him. If it don’t work out come back here. This is a way better scenario compared to the kid from Jackson committing here than going to BYU.

I would have liked to see Coon get some type of recruitment offer, but no one really has chased him.
Notre Dame, for all the crap that gets thrown their way, does have an impressive academic line, and long collegiate history. Hard not to choose them.
Sucks to lose a Wyoming kid. Perhaps with the new portal he’ll be more likely to bag it and come home if it doesn’t work out right away.
307bball said:
LanderPoke said:
All that Wyoming pride amounted to ... about ... well... nothing.

So...what is it you are saying?..that in order to have "Wyoming Pride" you have to play for the home team? Your outspoken comments on outgoing transfers are painting more of a picture here. I though the notion of sports loyalty was dead and gone. The idea that players were ever loyal (at least since as far back as the '60s) was never correct. Read any famous sports autobiography and you will see what a business it was even before the modern era.

In order, from most to least loyal:

1. Fans
2. Franchise Owners
--- Everything below here is a gun for hire ---
3. Sports writers
4. College Athletic Directors
5. Professional Coaches
6. Professional Players
7. Tie between College coaches and players.

I will grant that there actually do exist a handful of hometown heroes that get to live the dream and play for the team they grew up cheering for but that is a decided minority.

Guess I’m old fashioned. Loyalty and patriotism are so last century. All I know is my HS teammates and I would have killed to be big, strong and fast enough to play for the Pokes. I would have given anything! That’s all I wanted as a kid. Why does it seem like all the local ones blessed with the talent are too good for Wyoming? And to get blown off by the kid of a Pokes legend. Doesn’t get much worse
Loyalty and patriotism are worse traits than independent thought an individualism. The kid didn’t commit here, he can make his choice and good on his family for not forcing him to come to UW.

Being a Notre Dame alumni is a better choice than being a Wyoming alum. If you are a fan of capitalism he made the right choice . Football is a game he gets to play for 2-4 more years. He is going to benefit from a degree from Notre Dame. Would anyone be mad if he went to Harvard to play football?
Did his walk on status get him accepted to ND? If so kudos. Go get it, young man.

Admit or not, the degree carries more weight. Wish him the best. If he changes his mind, come home!
This is why the transfer portal was created...just in case it doesn't work out at the Bigger school...we shall see what happens, not holding my breath for it tho.....
Luke was never coming to UW. He had legit P5 offers.

Talich family is phenomenal. Nic is a Poke. Wyoming runs through them.

Anyone bashing him for pursuing education at Notre Dame needs to shut it down. Just ridiculous. Not like he chose CSU, CU, BYU, etc.

With a straight face, you honestly would choose Wyoming over Notre Dame to pursue education and athletics? Come on, people. Incessant complaining on here about the state of our program, then get pissed when someone chooses to not come be part of it. Just stop.

I'm so happy for Luke and the Talich family. I wish nothing but the best for him. So proud of him.
djm19 said:
Luke was never coming to UW. He had legit P5 offers.

Talich family is phenomenal. Nic is a Poke. Wyoming runs through them.

Anyone bashing him for pursuing education at Notre Dame needs to shut it down. Just ridiculous. Not like he chose CSU, CU, BYU, etc.

With a straight face, you honestly would choose Wyoming over Notre Dame to pursue education and athletics? Come on, people. Incessant complaining on here about the state of our program, then get pissed when someone chooses to not come be part of it. Just stop.

I'm so happy for Luke and the Talich family. I wish nothing but the best for him. So proud of him.

This! And really, Wyoming has lost several "in-state" kids to bigger / larger programs, and it is what it is. As a father, good on them, I would have wanted my son to chase that dream as well - had he been given the opportunity.
McPeachy said:
djm19 said:
Luke was never coming to UW. He had legit P5 offers.

Talich family is phenomenal. Nic is a Poke. Wyoming runs through them.

Anyone bashing him for pursuing education at Notre Dame needs to shut it down. Just ridiculous. Not like he chose CSU, CU, BYU, etc.

With a straight face, you honestly would choose Wyoming over Notre Dame to pursue education and athletics? Come on, people. Incessant complaining on here about the state of our program, then get pissed when someone chooses to not come be part of it. Just stop.

I'm so happy for Luke and the Talich family. I wish nothing but the best for him. So proud of him.

This! And really, Wyoming has lost several "in-state" kids to bigger / larger programs, and it is what it is. As a father, good on them, I would have wanted my son to chase that dream as well - had he been given the opportunity.

Agree. While a little different - really smart kids choose other schools every day because UW is blah academically. Could they stay and improve UW's academic standing? Yes. Are they required to do so? Not at all. For all of our bluster about being free market capitalists in this state, we sure are quick to socialize others' decisions when they don't meet our needs. Fact is, UW is third-tier academically and likely in the same tier in athletics. If you want the brightest and best, you have to invest and demand excellence of yourself first - not exactly a strength in Wyoming these days.
LanderPoke said:
Guess I’m old fashioned. Loyalty and patriotism are so last century. All I know is my HS teammates and I would have killed to be big, strong and fast enough to play for the Pokes. I would have given anything! That’s all I wanted as a kid. Why does it seem like all the local ones blessed with the talent are too good for Wyoming? And to get blown off by the kid of a Pokes legend. Doesn’t get much worse

I think the context matters here. Is patriotism and loyalty good? it depends....It was not so good in Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan but it also holds people together who might otherwise splinter when facing overwhelming difficulties...(see the Ukrainian people the last couple years).

This conversation is happening in the context of collegiate sports. As a fan, I am blindly loyal to my pokes. This means that I'm constantly disappointed and upset with the results out of Laramie. Your anecdote about your HS experience rings true for me as well. I was a complete die hard young pokes fan and fantasized about being a cowboy....alas it was not to be. Would it have been different if I was really good? What if I had been highly recruited by big time programs? In my mind I would have spurned them all and led the pokes to glory, but I realize that is a very naïve thought. Anyways...I'm sort of to the point in life where I generally want the best for people...including my opponents/enemies. Guess I'm getting soft in my old age.
djm19 said:
Luke was never coming to UW. He had legit P5 offers.

Talich family is phenomenal. Nic is a Poke. Wyoming runs through them.

Anyone bashing him for pursuing education at Notre Dame needs to shut it down. Just ridiculous. Not like he chose CSU, CU, BYU, etc.

With a straight face, you honestly would choose Wyoming over Notre Dame to pursue education and athletics? Come on, people. Incessant complaining on here about the state of our program, then get pissed when someone chooses to not come be part of it. Just stop.

I'm so happy for Luke and the Talich family. I wish nothing but the best for him. So proud of him.

I would choose WYOMING over Notre Dame due to loyalty to my home state and the fact I hate Notre Dame, partly because I'm atheist and partly because everyone butt=kisses Notre Dame because of the whole "win one for the gipper" bullshit. As you all can tell I'm extremely opinionated!!!!! And proud of it!!!!
djm19 said:
Luke was never coming to UW. He had legit P5 offers.

Talich family is phenomenal. Nic is a Poke. Wyoming runs through them.

Anyone bashing him for pursuing education at Notre Dame needs to shut it down. Just ridiculous. Not like he chose CSU, CU, BYU, etc.

With a straight face, you honestly would choose Wyoming over Notre Dame to pursue education and athletics? Come on, people. Incessant complaining on here about the state of our program, then get pissed when someone chooses to not come be part of it. Just stop.

I'm so happy for Luke and the Talich family. I wish nothing but the best for him. So proud of him.
Dude, he’s walking on to ND. He will be an afterthought as soon as , well, tomorrow. He is already recruited over five times.

so you can’t go to a great grad school having done undergrad at Wyoming? Lol k. A Wyoming engineering degree will lead to a great career. Lots of degrees will here. Your Wyoming accounting degree will get you your CPA just as good as that expensive Notre Dame accounting degree. I don’t understand these kids that don’t feel a connection to their own state/ university
LanderPoke said:
djm19 said:
Luke was never coming to UW. He had legit P5 offers.

Talich family is phenomenal. Nic is a Poke. Wyoming runs through them.

Anyone bashing him for pursuing education at Notre Dame needs to shut it down. Just ridiculous. Not like he chose CSU, CU, BYU, etc.

With a straight face, you honestly would choose Wyoming over Notre Dame to pursue education and athletics? Come on, people. Incessant complaining on here about the state of our program, then get pissed when someone chooses to not come be part of it. Just stop.

I'm so happy for Luke and the Talich family. I wish nothing but the best for him. So proud of him.
Dude, he’s walking on to ND. He will be an afterthought as soon as , well, tomorrow. He is already recruited over five times.

so you can’t go to a great grad school having done undergrad at Wyoming? Lol k. A Wyoming engineering degree will lead to a great career. Lots of degrees will here. Your Wyoming accounting degree will get you your CPA just as good as that expensive Notre Dame accounting degree. I don’t understand these kids that don’t feel a connection to their own state/ university

I totally agree with you on the quality of the degree. Not so much on the last point. My neighbor's daughter just accepted a scholarship offer from Duke for cross country. She wants out of the cold weather and far away from mom and dad. I totally understand that. There's a great big world out there and Laramie isn't going to be first option for kids who can pick and choose.
LanderPoke said:
djm19 said:
Luke was never coming to UW. He had legit P5 offers.

Talich family is phenomenal. Nic is a Poke. Wyoming runs through them.

Anyone bashing him for pursuing education at Notre Dame needs to shut it down. Just ridiculous. Not like he chose CSU, CU, BYU, etc.

With a straight face, you honestly would choose Wyoming over Notre Dame to pursue education and athletics? Come on, people. Incessant complaining on here about the state of our program, then get pissed when someone chooses to not come be part of it. Just stop.

I'm so happy for Luke and the Talich family. I wish nothing but the best for him. So proud of him.
Dude, he’s walking on to ND. He will be an afterthought as soon as , well, tomorrow. He is already recruited over five times.

so you can’t go to a great grad school having done undergrad at Wyoming? Lol k. A Wyoming engineering degree will lead to a great career. Lots of degrees will here. Your Wyoming accounting degree will get you your CPA just as good as that expensive Notre Dame accounting degree. I don’t understand these kids that don’t feel a connection to their own state/ university

This is a gross over-simplification...you are probably correct that an accounting or engineering degree from about anywhere will give you the same technical skills no matter where it is earned from, but there continues to be a strong correlation between a degree from a selective college and higher earnings later in life. It is not really possible to make the case that a degree from UW and a degree from a selective university are the same value from an economic standpoint. You have to stop equating going out of state for opportunities with having no connection with Wyoming or the University. I myself left the state for employment opportunities that pretty much don't exist in Wyoming....does that mean I don't "feel a connection" to my home state to use your terms? The world is a better place when people can leave for better opportunities or get away from a bad situation.

It is not a reflection on a highly recruited Wyoming athlete when they choose to go elsewhere....it is a reflection on the University of Wyoming. As somebody else pointed out...UW is third tier academically and probably third tier athletically...you want to get the best and the brightest in Laramie?...well....as the kids say...git gud!!!
Lmao, what has this thread even turned into?

"You're not a real Wyomingite if you don't go to UW" or some shit?

Nobody in this state is obligated to go anywhere or play for anyone, least of all UW. Full stop.

And that doesn't make them any less "loyal" or "Wyomingite" than someone who does.

I get that it's a hard pill to swallow, but Wyoming isn't a top-tier university for either academics or sports. UW also doesn't offer great programs in every single career path in existence.

I myself had to go elsewhere for my education and don't regret it for a moment.

Born, raised, and have lived 90% of my life here...and have dedicated so much of my time, effort, and finances to this great state....but I'm gonna get a lecture about "loyalty" for not choosing UW (and instead choosing an institution with a better focus and higher profile in my chosen industry)?

Get out of here with that nonsense.

These kids don't need to be making life, education, and career choices based on some vague and misplaced sense of loyalty/patriotism/tribalism.
He could end up in Brown & Gold. I'll welcome him if he does.

It's perfectly ok to feel disappointed that he didn't choose UW, it's not ok to hurl insults at a teenager you don't even know in response to your emotions. Pouting is always a bad look, especially from grown men.

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