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Colson Coon and Luke Talich

I don’t agree with gate keeping topics as somehow being Wyoming football related and somehow not (unless it’s obvious - we don’t need topics here on Dino Costa’s newest name change).
There are different boards here for different topics. Including high school sports. Gatekeeping or not, there is a place for everyone's drivel. It doesn't always need to happen on the GD football board. 🍻
There are different boards here for different topics. Including high school sports. Gatekeeping or not, there is a place for everyone's drivel. It doesn't always need to happen on the GD football board. 🍻
I’m so glad you wrote drivel instead of dribble 😁
For some reason, I get the feeling that he gets a lot more leniency from this crowd for going to ND than he would from going to a certain other religious institution.

I get it. We're allowed to be upset he didn't choose our school, vent our frustration and move on with it.

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