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Burman Letter

It’s probably because you all don’t see that most of it is a gigantic money pit of waste and corruption. Only dummies think more money means better education. We’rere talking about sports anyway. We don’t heed nor should we have tennis, track etc and other worthless sports no one cares about.

I didn't say anything about money.
As I said, outside of a few fans. You all are diehards, which I appreciate.
Wrasslin' - a sport that smells like broken dreams and buttholes. Personally, I just don't find it a fun watch, but that is just me - a lot of people enjoy it...I guess. Never been a fan of watching 2 dudes in speedo's or tights taint grabbing and flopping around on the ground together.

I just pissed of about 4 posters here. LOL. :ROFLMAO:
Wrasslin' - a sport that smells like broken dreams and buttholes. Personally, I just don't find it a fun watch, but that is just me - a lot of people enjoy it...I guess. Never been a fan of watching 2 dudes in speedo's or tights taint grabbing and flopping around on the ground together.

I just pissed of about 4 posters here. LOL. :ROFLMAO:
If you want to find the biggest assholes in your town, just go to the local youth wrestling matches. They’ll be screaming at their sons.
If you want to find the biggest assholes in your town, just go to the local youth wrestling matches. They’ll be screaming at their sons.
Youth basketball is up there, too. I've had to eject parents from 3rd & 4th grade games because they're losing their fucking minds.
Youth basketball is up there, too. I've had to eject parents from 3rd & 4th grade games because they're losing their fucking minds.
Same. Officiated basketball for over a decade and the worst parents and coaches were pee wee and Jr. High - especially summer camps. They think their kid is destined for the NBA and don't appreciate that the best the official can do is organize the chaos and keep the game moving. I had to throw out 2 coaches in a single UW camp one year.
This is a sports message board (for entertainment). It is not the gospel, it has no teeth, it is a vent / discussion / idea gathering of people with a like-minded love for the Wyoming Cowboys. Parents, Athletes, Friends of Athletes, and on and on, should avoid coming here (or any message board) IMO. It takes a thick skin. It can be trite, rude, and downright insulting, but again, it is a message board. Reader beware.
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