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Burman Letter

I believe Rodeo is now part of the main AD at UW, and no longer a club sport.

That said, I wonder if UW is second guessing building a new swimming facility?
Burman’s letter states that they are moving forward with the swimming facility and how it will benefit youth too. The reality is that the state already appropriated the money and they can’t use it for something else without legislative approval…so they will almost undoubtedly build it and spend the money that might have a better use somewhere else.
I would not be shocked if the first programs to go are tennis, golf and swimming. Track will also be on the chopping block.
I truly don't understand the Republican Party's fight against education. Requiring school attendance directly led to the middle class explosion. It's like they want to return to the days of serfs and royalty.
Golf, wrestling and track should be whacked. A school like WYO does not need golf. Our team is an extension of the Arizona programs considering where we play and practice. Wrestling will go because of Title IX implications and the fact that, outside of a few fans, nobody cares about it (sorry, not sorry). Track involves a lot of schollies and travel. Maybe swimming and diving - largely for the same reasons as swimming.
Golf, wrestling and track should be whacked. A school like WYO does not need golf. Our team is an extension of the Arizona programs considering where we play and practice. Wrestling will go because of Title IX implications and the fact that, outside of a few fans, nobody cares about it (sorry, not sorry). Track involves a lot of schollies and travel. Maybe swimming and diving - largely for the same reasons as swimming.
Slight disagreement. I think wrestling will be safe with addition of a women's wrestling team, it would help with Title IX compliance and is the fastest growing high school sport.
This. And yes, they are equally as radical and disillusioned as the far left whackos (but not nearly as nasty or vocal). What a world.
They are both equally radical, loud, nasty, and unreasonable. If you doubt it, attend a school board or city council meeting and watch. Between the unraveled, unhinged "everything is offensive" lefties and the pious "I want to control you, your family and your beliefs" Christian nationalists, the normal parent that just wants their kid to get a good education and not be indoctrinated (by either extreme) doesn't stand a chance. The sooner we purge the loons from both ends of the political spectrum, the better. Their bile and money are pulling our so-called leaders away from the middle, where most of us are.

But to the topic at hand, the crazy right has power in Wyoming now. They are going to set UW and Cowboy athletics back to the dark ages. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually think some austerity at our deal ol' alma mater is good - it may force some of the faculty, coaches, and admin to act hungry and feed themselves for once. But the whackjobs that will soon control the Legislature (and maybe the Governor's chair) will go too far. They always do.
Golf, wrestling and track should be whacked. A school like WYO does not need golf. Our team is an extension of the Arizona programs considering where we play and practice. Wrestling will go because of Title IX implications and the fact that, outside of a few fans, nobody cares about it (sorry, not sorry). Track involves a lot of schollies and travel. Maybe swimming and diving - largely for the same reasons as swimming.
One thing I haven't seen is if the NCAA will be dropping the minimum number of sports requirement. Currently to be a Division I FBS school, you have to sponsor at least 16 sports. Wyoming currently sponsors 17 sports (Track & Field counts as 4: M/W Indoor & M/W Outdoor). So if that rule stays, Wyoming could only drop 1 sport and still be FBS eligible.

Now if it's already been stated that the rule will be removed, forget everything I just said.
Slight disagreement. I think wrestling will be safe with addition of a women's wrestling team, it would help with Title IX compliance and is the fastest growing high school sport.
Are we adding women’s wrestling? I hadn’t seen that I guess. With due respect, I can’t see women’s wrestling seeing much fan interest.
Golf, wrestling and track should be whacked. A school like WYO does not need golf. Our team is an extension of the Arizona programs considering where we play and practice. Wrestling will go because of Title IX implications and the fact that, outside of a few fans, nobody cares about it (sorry, not sorry). Track involves a lot of schollies and travel. Maybe swimming and diving - largely for the same reasons as swimming.
I care about wrestling
I guess I have been living under a rock cuz I don’t remember hearing about the legislature wanting to cut funding to UW other than the office of DEI.
Wrestling and track will be whacked before golf. Low number of scholarships and way inexpensive compared to wrestling or track and field.

Plus, don't see alumni donning the wrestling gear for Cowboy Joe fundraisers. A number of golf fundraisers around the state during the summer. Believe the university owns the golf course in Laramie so that program is beyond safe.
Wrestling and track will be whacked before golf. Low number of scholarships and way inexpensive compared to wrestling or track and field.

Plus, don't see alumni donning the wrestling gear for Cowboy Joe fundraisers. A number of golf fundraisers around the state during the summer. Believe the university owns the golf course in Laramie so that program is beyond safe.
Wrestling is cheap

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