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Vaccine Requirements are Getting Out of Hand

ragtimejoe1 said:
Another take....


This is nothing short of criminal supported by a borg-like mob, some of which posted in this thread.

Not only did the "vaccines" not stop the chain of transmission, they didn't protect against serious illness and death. They accomplished nothing, but screw over the population. People pranced around like pious a holes. ScIeNcE durrrrrrrrrrrr! Our freedoms should never be taken away for ANYTHING! Screw the people that foisted them upon us
WYO1016 said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
What facts are you disputing? CDC isn't releasing all the data or that more vaccinated/boosted people died than unvaccinated?

I'm not disputing any facts. I'm saying that your source cherry picks what fits their narrative. Here's the entire report, not just the anti-vax "I told you so" bits.


Let’s take a look at deaths in August, when the highly contagious BA.5 variant reached its peak:

  • That month, unvaccinated people aged 6 months and older died at about six times the rate of those who had received their primary series of shots.
  • People with one booster dose were even better protected. Unvaccinated people over the age of 5 had about 8 times the risk of dying from a coronavirus infection than those who received a booster shot.
  • Among individuals who were eligible to receive additional booster shots, the gap is even more striking. Unvaccinated people 50 and up had 12 times the risk of dying from covid-19 than adults the same age with two or more booster doses.

Liberals are so easily mislead as are you. 6x or 12x of nearly 0 is still nearly 0.

Do the math from the cdc website and the critical point, for those that think critically, is that there is no statistically significant difference between death rates in Aug. Tyrannical vaccine pampers use slight of hand to try to justify their eroding position by using general terms like 6x or 12x. There is a reason they don't show the p-value.

Why is the cdc sitting on adverse reaction data?

Hard right, even slanted, are the only outlets that will mention. Hard left, i.e. all the others, bury it faster than a Hunter Biden story.
ragtimejoe1 said:
WYO1016 said:
I'm not disputing any facts. I'm saying that your source cherry picks what fits their narrative. Here's the entire report, not just the anti-vax "I told you so" bits.


Liberals are so easily mislead as are you. 6x or 12x of nearly 0 is still nearly 0.

Do the math from the cdc website and the critical point, for those that think critically, is that there is no statistically significant difference between death rates in Aug. Tyrannical vaccine pampers use slight of hand to try to justify their eroding position by using general terms like 6x or 12x. There is a reason they don't show the p-value.

Why is the cdc sitting on adverse reaction data?

Hard right, even slanted, are the only outlets that will mention. Hard left, i.e. all the others, bury it faster than a Hunter Biden story.

Again with thinking I'm a liberal. Never have been, never will be. What I am is a conservative that doesn't buy into the crazy Qanon/MAGA/'Murica first BS that has infested the republican party.
WYO1016 said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
Liberals are so easily mislead as are you. 6x or 12x of nearly 0 is still nearly 0.

Do the math from the cdc website and the critical point, for those that think critically, is that there is no statistically significant difference between death rates in Aug. Tyrannical vaccine pampers use slight of hand to try to justify their eroding position by using general terms like 6x or 12x. There is a reason they don't show the p-value.

Why is the cdc sitting on adverse reaction data?

Hard right, even slanted, are the only outlets that will mention. Hard left, i.e. all the others, bury it faster than a Hunter Biden story.

Again with thinking I'm a liberal. Never have been, never will be. What I am is a conservative that doesn't buy into the crazy Qanon/MAGA/'Murica first BS that has infested the republican party.

I clearly differentiated you from liberals. I said you were easily misled as they are.

I'm not MAGA either but in the case of COVID and vaccines the liberals and you are a extreme as the MAGA crowd. The heart issues are being evaluated which means the vaccines were and continue to be experimental. The vaccines do not spread and it is becoming clearer that they may not impact severe cases all that much.

Liberals and you were spoon fed bastardized science and lapped it up like a mindless borg. Likely all in the name of wealth transfer.
WYO1016 said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
Liberals are so easily mislead as are you. 6x or 12x of nearly 0 is still nearly 0.

Do the math from the cdc website and the critical point, for those that think critically, is that there is no statistically significant difference between death rates in Aug. Tyrannical vaccine pampers use slight of hand to try to justify their eroding position by using general terms like 6x or 12x. There is a reason they don't show the p-value.

Why is the cdc sitting on adverse reaction data?

Hard right, even slanted, are the only outlets that will mention. Hard left, i.e. all the others, bury it faster than a Hunter Biden story.

Again with thinking I'm a liberal. Never have been, never will be. What I am is a conservative that doesn't buy into the crazy Qanon/MAGA/'Murica first BS that has infested the republican party.
You don't think America should come first? You're just like Obama
LanderPoke said:
WYO1016 said:
Again with thinking I'm a liberal. Never have been, never will be. What I am is a conservative that doesn't buy into the crazy Qanon/MAGA/'Murica first BS that has infested the republican party.
You don't think America should come first? You're just like Obama

I'm not saying it should or should not, but I'm curious why you think it should? What makes the US and/or it's citizens so special that they should be treated preferentially?
WestWYOPoke said:
LanderPoke said:
You don't think America should come first? You're just like Obama

I'm not saying it should or should not, but I'm curious why you think it should? What makes the US and/or it's citizens so special that they should be treated preferentially?

Treated preferentially related to what? Food produced here should preferentially be utilized here. Oil produced here should be used here and not mandated to go to international markets. Drugs developed on the backs of the US taxpayer should not be sold at huge prices and that cost once again deferred by the US taxpayer. Then the drugs are sold at a fraction of the cost internationally and again subsidized by the US taxpayer.

Funneling trillions to China for solar while squashing our own domestic energy capabilities (politicians and the private banks that serve them) is criminal. Funneling Uranium to Russia is stupid and selling resources that don't belong to politicians. It is criminal and stealing from our future generations by allowing foreign Middle Eastern countries to own land and rape our water resources in the SW to send hay back to their country. It is criminal and stealing from our future generations allowing China to buy farmland and US food companies thereby destabilizing food security for future generations. Allowing our borders to be overrun, and yes they are being overrun, is ludicrous and opposing that is not racist.

We are among the most technologically advanced nations, blessed with resources to be food secure and energy independent. Failed globalist politics designed to funnel money to a select few are the main issue we have. Globalism has been exposed and needs to die.
ragtimejoe1 said:
WestWYOPoke said:
I'm not saying it should or should not, but I'm curious why you think it should? What makes the US and/or it's citizens so special that they should be treated preferentially?

Treated preferentially related to what? Food produced here should preferentially be utilized here. Oil produced here should be used here and not mandated to go to international markets. Drugs developed on the backs of the US taxpayer should not be sold at huge prices and that cost once again deferred by the US taxpayer. Then the drugs are sold at a fraction of the cost internationally and again subsidized by the US taxpayer.

Funneling trillions to China for solar while squashing our own domestic energy capabilities (politicians and the private banks that serve them) is criminal. Funneling Uranium to Russia is stupid and selling resources that don't belong to politicians. It is criminal and stealing from our future generations by allowing foreign Middle Eastern countries to own land and rape our water resources in the SW to send hay back to their country. It is criminal and stealing from our future generations allowing China to buy farmland and US food companies thereby destabilizing food security for future generations. Allowing our borders to be overrun, and yes they are being overrun, is ludicrous and opposing that is not racist.

We are among the most technologically advanced nations, blessed with resources to be food secure and energy independent. Failed globalist politics designed to funnel money to a select few are the main issue we have. Globalism has been exposed and needs to die.

I agree with quite a bit of this, but I wanted to highlight this drug section. The reason we are paying exponentially more than other countries is because our health care system is beyond broken. Price gouging on drugs is a uniquely American problem, and it has nothing to do with the pricing of drugs internationally. It has everything to do with the lack of control over the pharmecutical industry and the for-profit healthcare system we grasp on to while the rest of the world laughs at us.
WestWYOPoke said:
LanderPoke said:
You don't think America should come first? You're just like Obama

I'm not saying it should or should not, but I'm curious why you think it should? What makes the US and/or it's citizens so special that they should be treated preferentially?

I can't tell if you are serious. Should US citizens be treated preferentially by their own country? ha ha yes, of course.
WYO1016 said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
Treated preferentially related to what? Food produced here should preferentially be utilized here. Oil produced here should be used here and not mandated to go to international markets. Drugs developed on the backs of the US taxpayer should not be sold at huge prices and that cost once again deferred by the US taxpayer. Then the drugs are sold at a fraction of the cost internationally and again subsidized by the US taxpayer.

Funneling trillions to China for solar while squashing our own domestic energy capabilities (politicians and the private banks that serve them) is criminal. Funneling Uranium to Russia is stupid and selling resources that don't belong to politicians. It is criminal and stealing from our future generations by allowing foreign Middle Eastern countries to own land and rape our water resources in the SW to send hay back to their country. It is criminal and stealing from our future generations allowing China to buy farmland and US food companies thereby destabilizing food security for future generations. Allowing our borders to be overrun, and yes they are being overrun, is ludicrous and opposing that is not racist.

We are among the most technologically advanced nations, blessed with resources to be food secure and energy independent. Failed globalist politics designed to funnel money to a select few are the main issue we have. Globalism has been exposed and needs to die.

I agree with quite a bit of this, but I wanted to highlight this drug section. The reason we are paying exponentially more than other countries is because our health care system is beyond broken. Price gouging on drugs is a uniquely American problem, and it has nothing to do with the pricing of drugs internationally. It has everything to do with the lack of control over the pharmecutical industry and the for-profit healthcare system we grasp on to while the rest of the world laughs at us.

Yep, and that's the same system that used politicians and a mindless borg to propagate false information about vaccine efficacy to transfer billions to themselves.

It was and is a money scheme. Trump started it either internationally or naively
ragtimejoe1 said:
WYO1016 said:
I agree with quite a bit of this, but I wanted to highlight this drug section. The reason we are paying exponentially more than other countries is because our health care system is beyond broken. Price gouging on drugs is a uniquely American problem, and it has nothing to do with the pricing of drugs internationally. It has everything to do with the lack of control over the pharmecutical industry and the for-profit healthcare system we grasp on to while the rest of the world laughs at us.

Yep, and that's the same system that used politicians and a mindless borg to propagate false information about vaccine efficacy to transfer billions to themselves.

It was and is a money scheme. Trump started it either internationally or naively

Trump may have contributed to it, but it certainly existed before. I know firsthand that insulin prices have been obscene for 20 years at least. 20 years only because that is when I was diagnosed, and I'd guess it was a problem well before that.
What I can say is I wish I had bought some stock in a couple of DME companies like medtronic or dexcom a while ago.
Let me break it down for you @WYO1016:

First, hopefully you don't still buy into the nonsense that vaccines stop or slow the spread of the virus. If so, well, sheesh, I just don't know what to say. There aren't many standing by that claim any longer. Conclusion: similar to 2 weeks to slow the curve, that was a lie.

On to severe cases or death. Overall monthly numbers of covid deaths among the vaccinated have been greater among the vaccinated (compared to non-vaccinated) since last spring. The narrative at that point changed from total numbers to per capita. In other words, they started comparing #s/100K vs total number because more people were vaccinated thus had more opportunity to contract covid and die. Go back through this thread; when the opposite was true, we were calling that out. Nonetheless, I agree with the #s/100k even though vaccine pumpers didn't start out that way.

Let's look at the #s/100k. Among the completely non-vaccinated, the overall death rate is somewhere around 1.5-1.7/100K. For the fully vaccinated, current boosted, etc., it is somewhere around 0.1/100k. First, this isn't the best comparison because like all these data, they are bastardizing epidemiological data. The latter group is relatively small and hasn't had sufficient time to be exposed to covid at a large scale. The most current group (i.e. those that receive the latest vaccine) will always have the lowest death rate due to random chance (small group unlikely to be exposed). The data and methods are flawed. Read about epidemiological data, the assumptions, the rules, and the violations. You'll find a lot of wrong surrounding covid. Conclusion: already bastardizing data to propagate a lie.

Let's run with the numbers even though it is clearly flawed at this point. A 1.5 or so deaths per 100K difference between the most extreme groups--most current vaccine booster vs non-vaccinated (other levels of vaccinated are somewhere in between). With approximately 330 million people, that's equates to approximately 5,000 increased deaths in the non-vaccinated group (fentanyl is about 10x that number per year). HOWEVER, 90% of deaths are in age group over 65. There are about 56 million people over 65. So, using the 1.5 increase/100K in the 56 million population, it means the vaccine is saving about 900 people (slightly flawed because this assumes 100% deaths in the over 65 crowd, but still ballpark of 1000).

Use your own brain and not spoon-fed liberal media. You were duped. You and the rest of the mindless borg destroyed lives, careers, and transferred billion if not trillions to big pharma because you failed to question. One of the greatest crimes in history second to the likely covid origin coverup. We'll see on the latter.
'PokeForLife said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
Yep, and that's the same system that used politicians and a mindless borg to propagate false information about vaccine efficacy to transfer billions to themselves.

It was and is a money scheme. Trump started it either internationally or naively

Trump may have contributed to it, but it certainly existed before. I know firsthand that insulin prices have been obscene for 20 years at least. 20 years only because that is when I was diagnosed, and I'd guess it was a problem well before that.
What I can say is I wish I had bought some stock in a couple of DME companies like medtronic or dexcom a while ago.

No doubt. I was talking covid vaccine specifically. Trump either intentionally or naively set the stage. He is the one that gave big pharma an open check with no risk of liability.
Dr. Andrew Huff's book will be interesting. Wonder if he's just a hack trying to make a buck or will provide valuable insight into the lab leak theory. You know, the other thing that was called false and suppressed by liberals.
ragtimejoe1 said:
Dr. Andrew Huff's book will be interesting. Wonder if he's just a hack trying to make a buck or will provide valuable insight into the lab leak theory. You know, the other thing that was called false and suppressed by liberals.
Definitely a hack.

WYO1016 said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
Dr. Andrew Huff's book will be interesting. Wonder if he's just a hack trying to make a buck or will provide valuable insight into the lab leak theory. You know, the other thing that was called false and suppressed by liberals.
Definitely a hack.


I need to read his book so not saying he is or is not a hack, but the Eco Health Alliance deal sure appears shady. Not sure I trust their take either. Trusting anything from them is trusting the fox in the henhouse. I've read the PNAS article and there are definitely parts that remain debatable. I'll have to go back and check but I think that article came from an Academy member and they have mechanisms to push those articles through without as robust a review. From personally reading all the primary literature, I don't feel the debate is fully settled. News agencies are motivated to promote any anti-lab leak literature they can find. Like the Hunter story, they wrongly buried this one without full investigation. Same for the vaccines.

The level of potential coincidence is just too high. Effective gain of function research (even if not technical--splitting hairs) in a lab in the city of origin of a virus that eventually breaks out and behave abnormally by immediately spreading rapidly through a new host.

That and during the original WHO investigation there was 1 US rep was Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance.

I've wondered all along if we were working with China to cover this mess up.
ragtimejoe1 said:
WYO1016 said:
Definitely a hack.


I need to read his book so not saying he is or is not a hack, but the Eco Health Alliance deal sure appears shady. Not sure I trust their take either. Trusting anything from them is trusting the fox in the henhouse. I've read the PNAS article and there are definitely parts that remain debatable. I'll have to go back and check but I think that article came from an Academy member and they have mechanisms to push those articles through without as robust a review. From personally reading all the primary literature, I don't feel the debate is fully settled. News agencies are motivated to promote any anti-lab leak literature they can find. Like the Hunter story, they wrongly buried this one without full investigation. Same for the vaccines.

The level of potential coincidence is just too high. Effective gain of function research (even if not technical--splitting hairs) in a lab in the city of origin of a virus that eventually breaks out and behave abnormally by immediately spreading rapidly through a new host.

That and during the original WHO investigation there was 1 US rep was Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance.

I've wondered all along if we were working with China to cover this mess up.
con·spir·a·cy the·o·ry

/kənˈspirəsē ˈTHiərē,ˈTHirē/

a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.
WYO1016 said:
ragtimejoe1 said:
I need to read his book so not saying he is or is not a hack, but the Eco Health Alliance deal sure appears shady. Not sure I trust their take either. Trusting anything from them is trusting the fox in the henhouse. I've read the PNAS article and there are definitely parts that remain debatable. I'll have to go back and check but I think that article came from an Academy member and they have mechanisms to push those articles through without as robust a review. From personally reading all the primary literature, I don't feel the debate is fully settled. News agencies are motivated to promote any anti-lab leak literature they can find. Like the Hunter story, they wrongly buried this one without full investigation. Same for the vaccines.

The level of potential coincidence is just too high. Effective gain of function research (even if not technical--splitting hairs) in a lab in the city of origin of a virus that eventually breaks out and behave abnormally by immediately spreading rapidly through a new host.

That and during the original WHO investigation there was 1 US rep was Peter Daszak from EcoHealth Alliance.

I've wondered all along if we were working with China to cover this mess up.
con·spir·a·cy the·o·ry

/kənˈspirəsē ˈTHiərē,ˈTHirē/

a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

Head in the sand.

EcoHealth Alliance is hardly an unbiased third party. Even Fauci acknowledges that the lab leak theory isn't fully settled.

The truth will eventually come out. I have suspicions but we will see. You've been pretty wrong through this whole thread. Perhaps that lends more credence to the lab leak theory, :lol:
Ho hum just another dead healthy young athlete. Yeah, no way it could be related to that one experimental injection they forced everyone take.

Is Dr. Wen correct. COVID death and hospitalizations inflated by as much as 70%!!!

Of course she is. The mandates, liberal power grab, etc. couldn't have been justified otherwise. Surprised at how many people bought into this nonsense after it became clear that our was all politically motivated.

I hope you vaccine mandate pumpers are ashamed of yourselves.

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