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Wyoming Football Concept Updated


Well-known member
Ok so it started over in the Steamboat Logo forum that I got to thinking that I really hate our football uniforms. The are not unique by any means. Missouri, Baylor, Wake Forest, Air Force,Houston, and more use the same template. Wyoming did do some unique things this season. It started with the Boise State game when they shocked everybody coming out in yellow Nike Pro Combats with brown pants. The jerseys were of the 2009 syle because the still featured the ugly shoulder flywire. The set also featured a special helmet. We would eventually wear these again against Colorado State in the Border War. The brown pants would make more appearances in the year when we played San Diego State and BYU. While it was a step in the right direction I would like to see Wyoming be more unique.

Air Force broke out these sweet unis for rivalry games this year. They then combined it with a different helmet for their bowl game. TCU had several different uniform combos being one of Nike's Pro Combat schools. They wore 3 different helmets, 4 jerseys, and about 5 different pants. I want Wyoming to be unique, but not that unique. We all know how many combos Oregon has. Over the past 10 years Wyoming has seen several changes on the football field. I wanted to try to modify our current image into something that could last for a few years and something that really screamed Wyoming.

I threw in a Brown helmet to bring back the 1975 look. I also put a white helmet as an alternate. I gave the Pokes a Brown, White, and Yellow alt. There are 2 sets of pants; a white a brown set. Lastly I put in a special one time uniform with all the proceeds of the game going to Ruben Narcisse's family. The jerseys and helmets would be auctioned off after the game. Tradionalists are probably going to hate this, but I had fun making it and would like to see the Cowboys do something like it. Please comment and give some feedback. Without further ado, here they are (click for full size):

Home Sets:

Away Sets:



Note I know some of the stripes and Bucking horses don't match right now. I'm going to try to fix consistency
I definitely like the brown helmets! Home sets and alternative look sweet! Definitely think they should bust out the Ruben jersey!
I've been using all browns with the yellow Steamboats and all whites with brown Steamboats as my uniform on NCAA College Football for about 10 years.

I love it. I would definitely like to see that.

It's simple, classy, and it looks old school. You can't go wrong with any of that.
Big fan. I've always advocated for simple football uniforms - my dream has been basically the Penn State unis (complete with no names on back) but substituting brown for navy blue and adding Steamboat to the helmet, with subtle gold accents (like the outline on the numbers). I'm probably too much of a traditionalist to love the barbed wire stripes but have to admit it's sort of cool/unique and Wyoming-appropriate.
Thank you all. I spent a lot of time putting that post together today. I appreciate the responses. It's something fun to discuss in the off season. We only have about 192 days till the season kicks off to talk about silly stuff like this :roll: .
AlphaPoke said:
The all-brown helmet to shoe home set is the shizzzle :bow: Good job.......AP
I'm not a fan of monotone looks myself. I dig the brown over yellow look we use now at home. Love the template, though. I think the helmet should be white, but add the stripes from the 80's and early 90's. With all that said, great work! I'm not trying to tear your concept apart, just offering some constructive feedback.
WYO1016 said:
AlphaPoke said:
The all-brown helmet to shoe home set is the shizzzle :bow: Good job.......AP
I'm not a fan of monotone looks myself. I dig the brown over yellow look we use now at home. Love the template, though. I think the helmet should be white, but add the stripes from the 80's and early 90's. With all that said, great work! I'm not trying to tear your concept apart, just offering some constructive feedback.

No It's fine. I'm gonna update here eventually. I've gotten some suggestions such as different stripes, more yellow, more western styled numbers, etc. I'll have to post an update sometime soon. Maybe a throwback for homecoming like a few years ago. Any suggestions as to a year to throw back to?
I have said before I miss the steamboat logo on the pants...but the barbwire is GENIUS!

Give me more Steamboat on pants and shoulders, Barbwire for stripes, and every combination of Brown, Gold, white, whatever.

I have thought before of ways to try to make six shooters on the hips look cool, but I don't think it is possible. In my mind it just keeps looking lame.

Barbwire is awesome striping.....move over AFA bolt, UW has now found the coolest pants stripe in the world.......suck on that!
I get nothing but pictures of frogs that say something about an unregistered domain...how can I look at the pictures?
I like what you came up with except, I might be the only one in America but I absolutely HATE, DISPISE... black cleats. Looks like everyone is running around in slow motion. Always been a pet peeve. Make them white with color trim and then it would great!!
Here's an update with some of the suggestions. Put the barbed wire striping on the shoulder. I also added more gold in. I put in white cleats too. I'm Still working on the throwback. I'm still trying to decide on a year. Maybe a 1969 throwback complete with the never worn black armband ;) Click for full size


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