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Would Glenn resign?

WYO Bandit

Active member
Does anyone think Joe would resign at the end of the season rather than getting fired? This is assuming of course that the Pokes continue their slide the rest of the season.
If he is truly frustrated as he seems to be in all of the recent interviews he has given and if things don't change in a positive direction within the next couple of games, he may very well step down. He hasn't had to deal with this type of situation in his entire career, so who really knows?
I have heard from someone that is close to the coaching staff's families that resigning or more specifically retiring from coaching would be exactly what Joe would do, instead of getting fired. This is just speculation/rumors, so take it for what it is worth.
While I can see reasons for Glenn thinking about resigning...I can't see him doing it. He is loyal to a fault and wouldn't leave his staff hanging like that. Plus even though he is struggling I think he is just a plain nice guy and I honestly think he likes Wyoming and wants to get things turned around here. Whether that happens or not is in jeopardy but I wouldn't ever bet on Glenn giving up!
That'd be really stupid....walking away from the money like that. Resignation=missed buyout. I don't think any of us would do it. I mean altruism is a wonderful ideal, but this is the real world.
I do get pissed at Joe for the piss poor record he has developed over the course of six years, but I really like him as a person. I have never heard a coach as positive as Joe, and he just seems to be a happy guy. I don't think you will ever find a person who wants more for his players, and for the university than Joe. I am hoping that Joe and Sween will get it done so he sticks around, and can retire as Wyomings all time winning coach. Maybe all this heat has made him realize a thing of two. If he does have a winning season, and he is retained, I see a big shake up in the coaching staff.

Here's to you Joe, get it done!

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