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Wildcat formation


Well-known member
Just an observation...Arkansas ran it with McFadden, now the Dolphins are running it. I know I have said and still believe that installing a new offense mid season is practically impossible. However I don't see why we couldn't put in 8-10 plays utilizing our RB's which appear to be the only offensive strength we have. Put D-Mo at QB, and could have both Seldon and Terry in the game in that formation. Ideally you leave a QB on the field so the defense doesn't know your formation until your at the line, and since our WR's can't seem to get open I don't see a problem in replacing one of them with Sween for that formation. Why not at least try it, or some other scheme (swinging gate, etc) just to try and catch the defense off guard. Clearly lining up and out matching our opponents in a conventional offense isn't our strength so at this point why not try some unconventional formations? What's the worst that can happen we throw a pick 6 the first time we try it, oh well we can do that well out of a normal formation anyway so at worst things stay the same.
Try new things. Not with this coaching staff. They don't seem to like to change this up much.

I think it would not hurt any to try it out. We have nothing to lose.
I am pretty sure that we will continue with the inside handoff to Devin Moore, especially on 1st down, because one of these games D-Mo will have to break one for a TD.