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What's the problem? The bball team is getting good grades!


Well-known member
I'd put this basketball team up against any team in the country in a science bowl!

Just when I think being a Cowboy fan can't get any tougher.
Dread_Pirate_Cowboy said:
I'd put this basketball team up against any team in the country in a science bowl!

Just when I think being a Cowboy fan can't get any tougher.

If their so smart, shouldn't they know that throwing passes to other team is a no-no? Taking 3 or 4 steps with the ball results in a turnover?

No, it can't get any tougher. I used to look forward to basketball season even more than football. It's staggering how bad we have become under HS. We'll probably lose to DU again, followed by a 3-13 record in the conference.

Then Burman will give him another contract extension!