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What BYU Has Just Done to MWC TV

Lost Poke

Well-known member
First off, I'm glad the MWC stood up to BYU and made the moves they did to keep this conference solid.

But BYU has just walked away with any chance this conference had of an ESPN TV contract. ESPN will get BYU for less than they would have had to pay to get them as part of the MWC, but BYU will get more money for themselves. What about the WAC ESPN contract? Will that come to the MWC if the WAC doesn't survive? Well, it might, but it's worth nothing and ESPN will certainly not sweeten it much to get the MWC.

Let's hope CBS has some big plans.
Well, TCU may not want to be part of the MWC anymore either. Louisiana Tech may want to find something more regional. And on and on it goes. You know how it is.......I keep hearing different things that could happen. I think that could make TV deals hard to finalise with teams and #s in conferences changing ETC.
Alysa said:
Well, TCU may not want to be part of the MWC anymore either. Louisiana Tech may want to find something more regional. And on and on it goes. You know how it is.......I keep hearing different things that could happen. I think that could make TV deals hard to finalise with teams and #s in conferences changing ETC.
All I have heard are unfounded rumors of TCU considering leaving. Key word, unfounded, and most of those by C-USA trolls.
fromolwyoming said:
Alysa said:
Well, TCU may not want to be part of the MWC anymore either. Louisiana Tech may want to find something more regional. And on and on it goes. You know how it is.......I keep hearing different things that could happen. I think that could make TV deals hard to finalise with teams and #s in conferences changing ETC.
All I have heard are unfounded rumors of TCU considering leaving. Key word, unfounded, and most of those by C-USA trolls.

Now you're acting like a BYU grad.
If only you knew the person you would think differently.
If someone boosts a U with $ then they have a genuine interest.

BYU is not everything so go F U.
69er said:
fromolwyoming said:
Alysa said:
Well, TCU may not want to be part of the MWC anymore either. Louisiana Tech may want to find something more regional. And on and on it goes. You know how it is.......I keep hearing different things that could happen. I think that could make TV deals hard to finalise with teams and #s in conferences changing ETC.
All I have heard are unfounded rumors of TCU considering leaving. Key word, unfounded, and most of those by C-USA trolls.

Now you're acting like a BYU grad.
If only you knew the person you would think differently.
If someone boosts a U with $ then they have a genuine interest.

BYU is not everything so go F U.
What The Fuck!? All I was aying is that the rumors I have heard all stem from a few C-USA trolls from random blogs that no one has ever really heard of.

So why don't YOU go fuck yourself for thinking that I somehow support BYnerU. Jackass.
This is probably a longshot, but does Utah and BYU leaving give the MWC any leverage to renegotiate the TV contract? I have no knowledge of the contract, but if the players have changed significantly, can we renegotiate any part of it, namely the length?

It seems that the Mtn was a great idea in theory, but hasn't worked out well in practice. Mostly because it's not available on a more basic package with Comcast and not available at all on Dish. I like the idea of having the majority of games televised, and have appreciated having the Mtn available. In fact, we're considering a move to the east coast (from CO) and I'll probably pay for the upgraded package just so I can get the Mtn on Direct if we do move.

wellpoke said:
This is probably a longshot, but does Utah and BYU leaving give the MWC any leverage to renegotiate the TV contract? I have no knowledge of the contract, but if the players have changed significantly, can we renegotiate any part of it, namely the length?

Yes. The MWC will be able to negotiate a new TV contract. Instead of 1.2m per year every MWC team will be lucky to get 500k, especially with Fresno and Nevada taking a piece of a very small pie.
allcoug said:
Yes. The MWC will be able to negotiate a new TV contract. Instead of 1.2m per year every MWC team will be lucky to get 500k, especially with Fresno and Nevada taking a piece of a very small pie.

In your wettest dreams douchenozzle. You have no idea what is "in the works". I PROMISE you that.

Why did you really come to WyoNation? Just to spew your hypocrital judgemental crap?
Okay, really people! Utah is not a big tv revenue. We traded the state of Utah for the State of Idaho, which I have to say is a pretty even trade(Plus Idaho tv reaches Oregon and Washington state...And parts of Montana). So no loss. Then we now have Northern California to go along with SoCal tv. All of Nevada, Dallas/Fort Worth Texas and surrounding areas (reaching clear up to Kansas). And Wyo, and A big one in Colorado (Colo Springs and Denver and Fort Collins) Not seeing our revenue go down...Only going up. 1.2 mill to probably 2.0 plus mill. Sorry BYU but, your tv revenue isn't that great.