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That was AWESOME! - Thoughts on the game


Well-known member
1. It wasn't always pretty - but I DONT CARE! A W is a W!!! Time and time again, this team has figured out to pull out close victories, and this is by far the sweetest of the season.

2. I said this before earlier in the season, but it's appropriate to repeat especially after today - ACS reminds me of CSU's Bradlee Van Pelt - They just figure out a way to win!!

3. At the beginning of the season, we all thought special teams were going to cost this team a win or two. How ironic that you could say special teams were the difference in the team's last two wins. I wouldn't be surprised if Watts is a first-team All-MWC, and the punting has been great as well.

4. For whatever reason, much better Pokes teams haven't gone bowling in the past - I think about the 10-win team, and the team that started 4-1 after the Las Vegas Bowl win - but NO ONE should apologize for this team. We as Poke fans and the players themselves - past and present - have suffered through too much - so when bounces finally go our way, I say its just things evening out.

5. CSU is on a 9-game losing streak. :lol: :rofl: ;)

6. No matter what happens in the bowl game, I consider this season a success - They were picked to finish last in the league - they had their toughest games at home, they played a dozen true freshmen - but are still going to a bowl game.

7. No negatives, just enjoy the win. GO POKES!!
How badly hurt is Tooley? He landed VERY awkwardly and you could tell things weren't good. With the way his knee was positioned when he landed, and due to the fact that there wasn't contact with the actual knee, it was just on the landing.....that usually means ACL/Meniscus, let's hope not for his sake, great kid.
The Juice said:
How badly hurt is Tooley? He landed VERY awkwardly and you could tell things weren't good. With the way his knee was positioned when he landed, and due to the fact that there wasn't contact with the actual knee, it was just on the landing.....that usually means ACL/Meniscus, let's hope not for his sake, great kid.

torn knee ligaments. no bowl game.
Watts being all MWC is a big stretch, but I definitely think he should be put on scholarship immediately. Sloppy play all around (including the officials), but a win is a win, and I love it! Now the question is who are we playing in December? Chances are good that it's going to be either Idaho or Nevada in the NM bowl.
WYO1016 said:
Watts being all MWC is a big stretch, but I definitely think he should be put on scholarship immediately. Sloppy play all around (including the officials), but a win is a win, and I love it! Now the question is who are we playing in December? Chances are good that it's going to be either Idaho or Nevada in the NM bowl.

He's 9 of 10 on FG with two POW honors...
Fresno St. or Nevada in the NM Bowl. I dont see any way the Humanitarian doesn't take Idaho, with their proximity.
MrTitleist said:
I'm not gonna lie.. I'm tired of the rugby punt. :)

Good write-up, Evilpoke.

Wait, what? I'm loving it. The returners never know what to expect, and on one of them the ball bounced probably 25 yards longer than a normal punt would have done. I think it adds another dimension to our special forces.
McCoy averages 5.6 yards more per punt than last season, by the way - I think that makes a huge difference. If he can add another couple of yards to his average next season, it'll be huge!
Rugby punt goes 1 of 2 ways.. a great punt that sails over the returners head, makes it easy for the coverage team to down....

....or it sails wildly out of control with no idea where it's going. I've seen Montana do it a lot, and Wyoming do it a lot. What happened to just punting the ball? :)
MrTitleist said:
I'm not gonna lie.. I'm tired of the rugby punt. :)

Good write-up, Evilpoke.

Compare McCoy's net punting average from last year and this year and tell me you still don't like the rugby punt? Did you see the TCU game? There were some serious long punts! Oh yea, McCoy got a national punter of the week award as well.
Like I said, it has it's good and bad.. and if you really connect on one of those your coverage team has a good shot at making a play on the ball, but with the bad you have longer before the ball is off your foot which risks it being blocked, plus it's easier to shank.. so with this style you have to take the good and the bad.
MrTitleist said:
Like I said, it has it's good and bad.. and if you really connect on one of those your coverage team has a good shot at making a play on the ball, but with the bad you have longer before the ball is off your foot which risks it being blocked, plus it's easier to shank.. so with this style you have to take the good and the bad.
With enough practice, I don't really see shanking the ball becoming all that much of an issue. Also, it definitely allows you some room to scramble before you kick it away, which I imagine will also open up for trick plays in the future.