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Night games for 2010?


Well-known member
Any plans for at least one night game for next year? Every major football school has at least one night game; even Notre Dame/Army/Navy which are traditional day games have one! Is it too much to ask that we have one? Was it because of the power outage at the last night game held? To much pre-game drinking? What are the reasons for not one night game in 2 years? I find it unacceptable

Now I have heard it's because of weather and travel conditions but that logic simply doesn't work. Many fans stay overnight after the day games anyway, just as they might for a night game. Many fans come in the day before an afternoon game, where as they could travel to a night game the day of and stay that same night. Travel logistics and lodging would still be as viable with a night game. Can the MTN not broadcast one night game for us? I think it's time to act like a major college football school and play some prime time games :cool:
sdpoke said:
The first home game on september 4th is going to be a night game.
Against southern Utah? Well I guess I can't complain to much since we do have one, but what a weak matchup to have for our only night game. Utah or Air Force would have been sweet.
mrtnt3x said:
It was in 2004 when UU went to BSC
I remeber that. I was working as an usher there. The electricity went out for about 2 hours, it was freezing, and only the bathroom lights were on. The heater in there was sporadic at best too. A lot of annoyed fans, and all of the security and and ushers trying to figure out what was wrong and trying to answer thousands of fans that were wondering what was going on. Really hectic at the time.
fromolwyoming said:
mrtnt3x said:
It was in 2004 when UU went to BSC
I remeber that. I was working as an usher there. The electricity went out for about 2 hours, it was freezing, and only the bathroom lights were on. The heater in there was sporadic at best too. A lot of annoyed fans, and all of the security and and ushers trying to figure out what was wrong and trying to answer thousands of fans that were wondering what was going on. Really hectic at the time.

I don't think I have ever been as cold in my life as I was that night. On second thought, maybe the New Mexico blizzard game was colder.
WYCowboy said:
fromolwyoming said:
mrtnt3x said:
It was in 2004 when UU went to BSC
I remeber that. I was working as an usher there. The electricity went out for about 2 hours, it was freezing, and only the bathroom lights were on. The heater in there was sporadic at best too. A lot of annoyed fans, and all of the security and and ushers trying to figure out what was wrong and trying to answer thousands of fans that were wondering what was going on. Really hectic at the time.

I don't think I have ever been as cold in my life as I was that night. On second thought, maybe the New Mexico blizzard game was colder.

The worst part about that night was getting owned thoroughly by the Utes after waiting so long for the game to start.
Burman said tonight at an alumni thing in Scottsdale that they are trying to get the home opener at night. Not a sure thing yet, but he sounded pretty confident.
Evermore said:
Burman said tonight at an alumni thing in Scottsdale that they are trying to get the home opener at night. Not a sure thing yet, but he sounded pretty confident.
Is that against BSU or USU?
Southern utah on sept 4th will be the night game. There will be no tv schedule to mess it up as none of the mwc's broadcasting partners will want to put a wyo vs a 1-aa team on tv. Remember the game against weber state to start last year wasn't on either.

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