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New Mexico Bowl Replay


Well-known member
Guy on Rivals said that there is a replay of the New Mexico Bowl, midnight on Tuesday (technically Wednesday) on ESPNU. Not sure if it is the condensed version or not. Does anyone have a DVR that they could record the game and then burn it for some of us? That would be badass.

Actually, if anyone has the CSU/SDSU games as well would be cool. I just want to watch ACS stiff arm Openneer over and over.
I just checked and it is on so set it to record on my DVR its 2 hours long so i guess not alot of commercials if somone could tell me how to burn to a CD i'd be happy to make some.
fromolwyoming said:
I didn't see it. Anybody know if Bresnan in Laramie gets ESPNU?

I just flipped through the lineup and checked Bresnan's website. I might have missed it, but it doesn't look like we have it here.

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