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I'm not sure 12 teams

More meaningful football is better. Make it 16 and give the higher seeds first round home games. There are blowouts in every sport.

A robust playoff is healthy. It keeps myths (the SEC is dominant, or G6 teams can't compete) from becoming truths.
More meaningful football is better. Make it 16 and give the higher seeds first round home games. There are blowouts in every sport.

A robust playoff is healthy. It keeps myths (the SEC is dominant, or G6 teams can't compete) from becoming truths.
I agree.

I do think the top 8 would capture the best team 90%+ of the years, but why not more post-season. You're right; it doesn't hurt to have more. Better than many of the Bowl games anyway.
I agree.

I do think the top 8 would capture the best team 90%+ of the years, but why not more post-season. You're right; it doesn't hurt to have more. Better than many of the Bowl games anyway.
I think you're right about the top 8. The only reasons I'd go to 16 is that it would get rid of the bye, which didn't seem to help, and make for more on-campus games. Those games are awesome.

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