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I see no reason to delay the announcement now


Well-known member
Why not announce Glenn is gone the day after the CSU game. This allows Glenn to coach his last game, but also allows us an extra week to publicly look for new coaches. I see no reason to delay the announcement now.
AMEN!! I don't see why we should wait any longer. We need to find a coach that can come in and make an impact on our players and fans right from the start and hopefully get over the .500 mark.
Not going to happen...Burman is going to wait to the end of the season, and for some reason I am not convinced that Burman has made up his mind yet. No inside info just my hunch for some reason. For better or worse I think we will have to wait until after the CSU game to see this thing unfold.
I agree, Tom isn't going to make anything official until after the CSU game. I don't think there's a chance in hell that Joe is back next year. Let's all hope that we are pleased with the selection made on the new hire and the Pokes find themselves competing for conference championships again. Lastly, good luck Coach Glenn... I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.
I feel bad for the seniors. In this day and age when about half the college teams make a bowl game they didn't get to play in any. I am not an unrealistic fan, I think go bowling about half the time is reasonable, at least once in 4 years. I know we were snubbed in 2006, but if we could find a decent kicker we would have been at least 8-4 and gone bowling that year. We are not good enough to have a poor kicking game, yet it remains.

Feels like Glenn knows he is on the way out, too bad, like everyone else, I like the guy.
I think the sooner the better for any announcement, either way. If he is fired, lets do it now, lt him coach the csu game, everyone can show up to cheer one last time for him, and we say good bye,meanwhile the search can go public. If he is staying, say it now, so that recruits knw who the coach is going to be. But my guess is that not only will we not hear anything this week, I bet we dont get any announcement next week either. There will have to be that "evaluation" time period, etc.
cheypoke said:
I think the sooner the better for any announcement, either way. If he is fired, lets do it now, lt him coach the csu game, everyone can show up to cheer one last time for him, and we say good bye,meanwhile the search can go public. If he is staying, say it now, so that recruits knw who the coach is going to be. But my guess is that not only will we not hear anything this week, I bet we dont get any announcement next week either. There will have to be that "evaluation" time period, etc.

I doubt that, last year the evaluation happened Sunday morning after the last game of the season. Especially if Burman plans to make a change I would expect that meeting to be done close of business Monday after the CSU game.

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