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Football Pictures


Well-known member
Hey guys. Since one isn't around yet, I've decided to build a Wyoming football PS3 theme. I'm wondering if any of you guys have any high resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels or higher) pictures of the football team/stadium/band/etc... I'm looking specifically for an aerial shot of the War, a shot of the Steamboat statue at the south end of the stadium (with players around it would be awesome), and anything showing a player making a catch, breaking a tackle, returning a fumble vs. Tennessee, or anything else like that. Any shots of past greats (Marcus Harris, Jay Novacek, Ryan Yarborough, etc...) would be cool, too. If anyone has shots like this or knows of a site I can pull them off of please PM me.

I will post a link to the theme when I'm done with it so all of us Pokes fans can enjoy it. Thanks in advance for the help, guys!
Yeah, we've got to do something about getting the donkeys off of your screen. Icons are almost done, but I really need some backgrounds so I can finish the theme. Any help is appreciated!
Look at the background on the Downloads section of the main page (under the About tab).. see if that background would work.
Some of those would work for the SD backgrounds (640x480), but I still need to find some HD backgrounds (1920x1080). I'm also including a not-too-subtle plug for wyonation in the icons. :)
LOL. Nice!! That's awesome.
You know what the best way to snag a background might be, if you're patient, is to snag a pic at the Texas game from the corner of the stadium w/ your digital camera. The stadium will be packed, the crowd will be gold, be a good time for some pics. Or.. you might be able to shoot an email off to the athletic dept and see if they have any high res ones. I know I've had difficulty in the past finding pics of the War and former players when looking.
Good call with the AD. I think I've found enough for now to get started, but I'll take my own shots during games this season and update the theme as I get some better stuff for it. I should have the first iteration ready to go sometime tonight. If anyone gets any good shots themselves and feel that they'd look good on their playstation let me know. I'll be keeping this thing updated.

Also, if you think of anything that would be an upgrade for the icons let me know. They're all completely custom UW, but you'll see a pattern in how most of them are made. I've come up with some ideas to add some uniqueness to some of the icons, but most of them are in the same vein. You'll see what I'm talking about when I get it posted.

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