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Down 11 at half to Air Force


Well-known member
Poor shooting. Missing a lot of free throws. Not really much good to say except there are a lot more wyoming fans than I expected.
I now agree with the nay-sayers. Schroyer has to go. The 7 players Schroyer could field are far superior athleticly than AFA, but he can't make it work. That is coaching. Every other coach in the MWC can beat AFA. Schroyer can't. As a coach, he has to be ranked 9th in the league.
During the first half James Bates was saying how Heath turned the program around at portland state and how in a few years WYO was going to be turned around and be very tough. Is he even watching the same game? If Heath is still here in a few years, we are in a world of sh*t. Shoot me know please! Hopefully the girls can continue to make a run, and hopefully we keep going to bowl games in football because this is rediculous.

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