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Boise State Game Sold Out, Should This Be a Big Deal?

Technically, it is a sellout. But there are still "season" tickets for sale, at $170.00 each, that will not be sold any other diretion, FYI.
I completely agree. Especially with our stadium shrinking over the past 10 years, there is no reason not to sell out and start acting like a major program. The AD has certainly taken some steps in that direction and it's nice to get that SEC feeling here in Laramie.
I think UW needs to do more to appeal itself to get people buying season tickets.. 8000 season ticket holders is kind of a weak #, IMO. The stadium holds 31,000 people, upgrades are happening all over the facility.. less than 1/3 of stadium capacity being season ticket holders is a recipe for disaster. And not only does UW need to market itself more, Laramie needs to do so as well. They need to give people a reason to drive to Laramie for a game.. part of that is building a winning program, but part of it is attractions in or around Laramie. The season tickets are certainly cheap enough, and the level of competition coming into the War is pretty damn engaging.. but you have to give people from Worland, Cody, Powell, Sundance, Newcastle, etc a reason to make a long drive to Laramie, spend money, and attend Cowboy athletic events. Love for your university doesn't seem to be cutting it, even though Cowboy Joe Club donations set a record this year.
MrTitleist said:
I think UW needs to do more to appeal itself to get people buying season tickets.. 8000 season ticket holders is kind of a weak #, IMO. The stadium holds 31,000 people, upgrades are happening all over the facility.. less than 1/3 of stadium capacity being season ticket holders is a recipe for disaster. And not only does UW need to market itself more, Laramie needs to do so as well. They need to give people a reason to drive to Laramie for a game.. part of that is building a winning program, but part of it is attractions in or around Laramie. The season tickets are certainly cheap enough, and the level of competition coming into the War is pretty damn engaging.. but you have to give people from Worland, Cody, Powell, Sundance, Newcastle, etc a reason to make a long drive to Laramie, spend money, and attend Cowboy athletic events. Love for your university doesn't seem to be cutting it, even though Cowboy Joe Club donations set a record this year.

you mean grand avenue pizza and altitude isn't enough to draw people from hundreds of miles away...shocked :razz:
wyosteelerfan said:
you mean grand avenue pizza and altitude isn't enough to draw people from hundreds of miles away...shocked :razz:

Jeffrey's Bistro, Chelo's, Sweet Melissa's etc. There is actually plenty of good eats in Laramie.
sandiegopoke said:
wyosteelerfan said:
you mean grand avenue pizza and altitude isn't enough to draw people from hundreds of miles away...shocked :razz:

Jeffrey's Bistro, Chelo's, Sweet Melissa's etc. There is actually plenty of good eats in Laramie.

true, in fact cole creek coffee is enough to bring me down

really wish there was a sarcasm font
Those are places you can find anywhere in the state, just with a diff name. Besides, if Chelo's is still in the same spot it was when I was in college, how many people 1) know where to find it, and 2) want to go to that neighborhood. El Con was great.. loved the stuffed sopapillas with some pork chili on 'em. Lovejoy's was pretty cool too..
7220 Report said:
Don't forget Corona Village and the Cups favorite.......EL CON!!!!!!!

I love EL CON but haven't been there in a long time (I don't live in Laramie any more). We were there the day it opened and also the night the bullet got shot through the front window of the Buckhorn Bar.
The problem with Laramie is that it isn't athestically pleasing to the casual fan. Simply put, there just isn't much going on in Laramie. Compared to other college towns (Missoula, Bozeman, Fort Collins, just to name a few), Laramie can't hold a candle in the wind. Laramie could be an awesome town; however, it seems that no one is interested in promoting business and tourism. Sorry to offend life-long residents of Laramie, but it really seems like no one gives a crap how their town looks. It looks run-down and seems to lacking development except for a few sections on Grand. To go along with the nice hotels, why not add some nice stores or shopping centers (things that will attract casual fans). Take care of downtown much better (i.e. Bozeman, Fort Collins). I realize this stuff doesn't matter to die-hard fans, however it makes a world of difference when it comes to attracting casual fans, especially those who travel from quite a distance. Taking care of Laramie better (sprucing up, paint wouldn't hurt, zoning...) would definately make it much more attractive to fans. :twocents:
msuhunter said:
The problem with Laramie is that it isn't athestically pleasing to the casual fan. Simply put, there just isn't much going on in Laramie. Compared to other college towns (Missoula, Bozeman, Fort Collins, just to name a few), Laramie can't hold a candle in the wind. Laramie could be an awesome town; however, it seems that no one is interested in promoting business and tourism. Sorry to offend life-long residents of Laramie, but it really seems like no one gives a crap how their town looks. It looks run-down and seems to lacking development except for a few sections on Grand. To go along with the nice hotels, why not add some nice stores or shopping centers (things that will attract casual fans). Take care of downtown much better (i.e. Bozeman, Fort Collins). I realize this stuff doesn't matter to die-hard fans, however it makes a world of difference when it comes to attracting casual fans, especially those who travel from quite a distance. Taking care of Laramie better (sprucing up, paint wouldn't hurt, zoning...) would definately make it much more attractive to fans. :twocents:


Don't know WTF you are talking about. Nice try though douchenozzle.
I like Laramie just the way it is. Keeps the douchebags out. I grew up watching my hometown destroyed by touristy people moving in. It no longer has any hometown feel left.
Cornpoke said:
I like Laramie just the way it is. Keeps the douchebags out. I grew up watching my hometown destroyed by touristy people moving in. It no longer has any hometown feel left.

You from Cody? LOL :rofl:
Winning cures EVERYTHING. Thats the bottom-line. Start putting 10 win teams out on the field, especially with the kinds of schedules we have been playing, and you could fill the stadium even if it was in Rawlins.

WIN. Its that simple.

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