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Back to Stepping Stone Coaches.


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I like the hire. If they had gotten john LOSER smith I would have given up. But here is the cycle we are back to. Dave Christensen does not have any pride for Wyoming or Wyoming Athletics. He took this job for one purpose: A stepping stone to a " bigger, better program ". I promise you he will be gone after his first good season and a good BCS school offers him. Joe Glenn on the other hand loved Wyoming, and wanted to build it into a National Power that was going to stay that way for 20 years and after. The problem was, he was still recruiting D2 caliber players. There was really nothing wrong with Joe Glenn's coaching... offensive or defensive. Our WR group are an average D1AA bunch. You've got Bolling and NOTHING else. This is the reason for all the INT's and the reason why Glenn is gone. Under Christensen our offense may slightly improve in a couple of years, and if he doesn't keep breske, the defense will go back to being below average at best. We will have to win games 50-45.

The bottom line is if we had to hire a guy that just wanted to USE US as a stepping stone, then I think Christensen is a great hire. But I personally would like to find a great coach, who thinks of Wyoming as his dream job and wants to build Wyoming into an Annual Power, like Gonzaga Basketball. Joe Glenn was that guy, we just needed someone better at evaluating/finding/recruiting D1 Talent.

So the cycle continues. Christensen will be here 2 or 3 years IF HE HAS 1 great season, if not we will be stuck with him for 5 + LAME years because he doesn't truly care about Wyoming or Wyoming Football.
Perhaps in time he will see the pride in this State, University, and Program. Let's see how he does.
WyoRev said:
Perhaps in time he will see the pride in this State, University, and Program. Let's see how he does.

I agree who knows what will happen in 3-4 years time. If BYU, Utah and TCU all remain top 25 teams and we can somehow get there plus AFA and CSU continuing to improve, we might finally see the MWC break into the the BCS. MAybe he will move here and fall in love with the state and Laramie. The truth is we won't know until the time comes. Even if he does move on at least he got us good enough to where he could move on. Thats better than seeing 4-8 seasons every year.
Joe Glenn is a terrific person, and a great man. He always had passion, fire, and most of the time, a smile on his face. But he is not cut out to be a division 1 head coach...nor were all but maybe 2 or 3 of his assistants. And now, this isn't about Joe Glenn...that regime is history, and that isn't a bad thing, because we sucked, and NEVER competed for the MWC title.

If Christensen competes for the MWC title, whips up on some ewes and kittens, does it matter if he leaves for somewhere else, as long as he leaves the cupboard full? Hell no. I would simply say...NEXT...
It's way too early to start labelling DC as a stepping stone coach and your predictions about the demise of our defense is premature as well. Let's see what the future holds. If he does move on, hopefully we'll have someone on staff who can take the program over and continue the success.
East_Popcorn_State said:
The bottom line is if we had to hire a guy that just wanted to USE US as a stepping stone, then I think Christensen is a great hire. But I personally would like to find a great coach, who thinks of Wyoming as his dream job and wants to build Wyoming into an Annual Power, like Gonzaga Basketball. Joe Glenn was that guy, we just needed someone better at evaluating/finding/recruiting D1 Talent.

So the cycle continues. Christensen will be here 2 or 3 years IF HE HAS 1 great season, if not we will be stuck with him for 5 + LAME years because he doesn't truly care about Wyoming or Wyoming Football.

I used to agree with your point of view, however both Koenning and Glenn appeared to be interested in making the Wyoming job a long term one, and we saw how both of those turned out. When we were a stepping stone school our record was around 62% between 1980-1999. I realize that doesn't sound great but comparitively it blows the past 10 years out of the water. I would love to find a coach who can win and wants to stay here, but IMO the focus should be on finding a coach that can win and worry about keeping them later. Also the salary w/ incentives coaches get here is now much more competitive then it was 20 years ago.
My last point on this...

With the exception of the twin dinosaurs Bobby Bowden & Joe Paterno, what coach stays long term anymore anyway anywhere? Nobody. Whether it is Nick Saban, Urban Meyer, Bobby Petrino, whomever, they all jump from school to pro or school to school anyway. Think about it, every coach uses (or will use) every university as a stepping stone.
I could care less if he wants to go to a bigger school after he proves himself here, because that means we will have a very good team. Look at Utah they had Urban Meyer that brought them to a BCS bowl and then he left, they then hire/promote Whittingham, who in 3 years does it again. Maybe Whittingham will leave, and they will have to do it again. But I would give anything for Utah's success in the past 4 years, and if that is where we are headed with Christensen then I am all for it.
WyomingAg said:
I could care less if he wants to go to a bigger school after he proves himself here, because that means we will have a very good team. Look at Utah they had Urban Meyer that brought them to a BCS bowl and then he left, they then hire/promote Whittingham, who in 3 years does it again. Maybe Whittingham will leave, and they will have to do it again. But I would give anything for Utah's success in the past 4 years, and if that is where we are headed with Christensen then I am all for it.

Look at Utah? are you kidding? You want a complete loser dickhead for a coach after the great coach leaves. Utah sux. They are still on Urban leftovers and they are the most overrated team in the past 30 years of college football. TCU is the best team BY FAR in the MTN WEST. Utah is a fvckin joke! They have gotten nothing but lucky this year. TCU missed 2 short field goals to beat them. UTAH is exactly what I don't want Wyoming to become. They fvckin suck and will be EXPOSED and HUMILIATED VS. ALABAMA. I'm talking 60-0 exposed vs. Alabama. They will completely embarrass the MWC and thats who you want to be like? You have got to be fvckin kidding me. The only chance UTAH has of not embarrassing and exposing the MWC is if they get to play cincinnatti....... which is about like their last bcs joke of a game. PITTSBURGH.

You're pathetic for wanting to be like Utah... The only MWC team I'd want to be like is TCU. I guess you forget how pathetic Utah sucked under Whittingham right after urban left. Comparing Whittingham to Urban is like comparing God to Satan. Utah was a great team under Urban, they completely suck right now. Can you frickin imagine them playing Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama, or USC in their BCS bowl. GET READY FOR MWC HUMILIATION!! Utah will be representing the MWC and its going to ruin the MWC's gaining reputation. THEY FVCKING SUCK!

I'm the type that wants to build a POWER, this hire tells us all we need to know about Wyoming, Wyoming Athletics, the AD etc.... We don't care if he's only here for a year or 2, and he can use us all he wants as long as we have 1 good season! We need a fvcking good coach WHO IS GOING TO STAY MORE THAN 3 YEARS!
Ok, first off I don't like utah at all and their coach is an asshole. While I do believe TCU has better players (best in conference IMO), you can't argue the fact that Utah had 12 games and won 12 games. So saying utah "completely sucks right now" is absolutely ridiculous.
Dread_Pirate_Cowboy said:
Common, Utah won AT MICHIGAN! Wyoming could never win a game at a 100,000+ seat stadium! I wanna be like the Utards!

thats good.. funny thing is they actually said that schit until we went to tennessee. i just wish TCU could represent the MWC cuz utah will get (fill in your own word) vs. Alabama or God Forbid they have to Face Florida..... the mwc will lose a lot of the respect it gained this year after utah gets flattened in the sugar bowl on jan. 2.
Did I miss something? When is Utah playing Alabama?

And I agree, I would trade Utah's success for our's the past four years in a heartbeat.
Let's see Utah had Ron McBride for 13 years and posted an 88-63 record. They get rid of McBride and become stepping stone U and they've been in two BCS Bowls since.
I have no problem becoming stepping stone U if it translates to that kind of success.
Personally I have no love lost for Utah, and agree that Whittlessham is a classless dumbass; however to suggest they will be an embaressment to the MWC in a bowl game is unfounded. They beat a Big 10 school in there house, granted Michigan sucked this year, but to go into the Big House and win is big anytime. Plus they beat Oregon State who was 1 game shy of being the PAc-10 champs. Even in a year when the Pac-10 is down 2 BCS wins is big. Not to mention wins over 2 top 20 teams in BYU and TCU. Maybe they did get lucky against TCU, but good teams find ways to win, and they found a way to win 12 out of 12 times. I would love to be able to say "Pokes go undefeated and are headed to a BCS Bowl" sometime. As much as I hate the Utes its not logical to argue that they haven't been successful over the past 5 years.
Snowman_55 said:
East_Popcorn_State said:
When we were a stepping stone school our record was around 62% between 1980-1999.

Actually, I'd argue that for much of that time, and when the vast majority of wins were posted, were were NOT a stepping stone school.

1988 - 1991 - Paul Roach. That guy wasn't looking to step up to another school. He hand-picked his successor, Joe Tiller.
1991 - !996 - Joe Tiller. It's been debated, but I don't think he was looking to move up at the first opportunity. "We" just didn't do what it took to keep him.
Tiller came very close to getting the boot so I think he was ready to bolt after one knock out season and he did to his alma matter. Joe was not hated or loved by Wyoming so he did the wise thing and ran when he had his dream job come open to him. I guarantee Joe Glenn would have bolted had Nebraska come calling.
We haven't exactly had a big problem with coaches using our program as a stepping stone in the last 20 years. Not too concerned about that. On top of that for a BCS school to come calling, we need to go what, 10-2 at least. One loss out of conference like at Texas, and one conference loss...where do I sign?
Look at Utah? are you kidding? You want a complete loser dickhead for a coach after the great coach leaves. Utah sux. They are still on Urban leftovers and they are the most overrated team in the past 30 years of college football. TCU is the best team BY FAR in the MTN WEST. Utah is a fvckin joke! They have gotten nothing but lucky this year. TCU missed 2 short field goals to beat them. UTAH is exactly what I don't want Wyoming to become. They fvckin suck and will be EXPOSED and HUMILIATED VS. ALABAMA. I'm talking 60-0 exposed vs. Alabama. They will completely embarrass the MWC and thats who you want to be like? You have got to be fvckin kidding me. The only chance UTAH has of not embarrassing and exposing the MWC is if they get to play cincinnatti....... which is about like their last bcs joke of a game. PITTSBURGH.

You're pathetic for wanting to be like Utah... The only MWC team I'd want to be like is TCU. I guess you forget how pathetic Utah sucked under Whittingham right after urban left. Comparing Whittingham to Urban is like comparing God to Satan. Utah was a great team under Urban, they completely suck right now. Can you frickin imagine them playing Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama, or USC in their BCS bowl. GET READY FOR MWC HUMILIATION!! Utah will be representing the MWC and its going to ruin the MWC's gaining reputation. THEY FVCKING SUCK!

I'm the type that wants to build a POWER, this hire tells us all we need to know about Wyoming, Wyoming Athletics, the AD etc.... We don't care if he's only here for a year or 2, and he can use us all he wants as long as we have 1 good season! We need a fvcking good coach WHO IS GOING TO STAY MORE THAN 3 YEARS!East_Popcorn_State
WyoNation Buckaroo

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Joined: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:01 pm

Why don't you re-read my post. I never said I wanted to have Utah's coach, or a coach similar to Utah's coach, which I don't. I don't like Utah, but you can't argue with their success. All I said is I hope we have Utah's success. I would give anything to see Wyoming in 2 BCS bowl's in the next 4 years, and be ranked in the top 10. So you can go ahead and stop cussing me out just because I disagree with you. (Real classy I'm sad we have cowboy fans like you, pretty pathetic you have to resort to cussing and calling names to try and win an argument.) Sure I would like a coach that would stay more then 3 years, but if it is a coach like Glenn that progressivly gets worse over time then I don't want it. I would much rather have a coach stay 3 years, go to a BCS bowl in the 3rd year, and then have the next coach do it again 3 years later (remind you a little of Utah?) Just because I wish we had Utah's success does not mean I like Utah or their coach, it just means simply I would like to see Wyoming winning MWC championships, going to BCS bowls and being ranked in the top 10. But I'm sure someone like you was arguing to keep Gleen after the past 3 seasons where he went 6-6, 5-7, and 4-8 progressivly worse and worse.
East_Popcorn_State said:
WyomingAg said:
I could care less if he wants to go to a bigger school after he proves himself here, because that means we will have a very good team. Look at Utah they had Urban Meyer that brought them to a BCS bowl and then he left, they then hire/promote Whittingham, who in 3 years does it again. Maybe Whittingham will leave, and they will have to do it again. But I would give anything for Utah's success in the past 4 years, and if that is where we are headed with Christensen then I am all for it.

Look at Utah? are you kidding? You want a complete loser dickhead for a coach after the great coach leaves. Utah sux. They are still on Urban leftovers and they are the most overrated team in the past 30 years of college football. TCU is the best team BY FAR in the MTN WEST. Utah is a fvckin joke! They have gotten nothing but lucky this year. TCU missed 2 short field goals to beat them. UTAH is exactly what I don't want Wyoming to become. They fvckin suck and will be EXPOSED and HUMILIATED VS. ALABAMA. I'm talking 60-0 exposed vs. Alabama. They will completely embarrass the MWC and thats who you want to be like? You have got to be fvckin kidding me. The only chance UTAH has of not embarrassing and exposing the MWC is if they get to play cincinnatti....... which is about like their last bcs joke of a game. PITTSBURGH.

You're pathetic for wanting to be like Utah... The only MWC team I'd want to be like is TCU. I guess you forget how pathetic Utah sucked under Whittingham right after urban left. Comparing Whittingham to Urban is like comparing God to Satan. Utah was a great team under Urban, they completely suck right now. Can you frickin imagine them playing Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama, or USC in their BCS bowl. GET READY FOR MWC HUMILIATION!! Utah will be representing the MWC and its going to ruin the MWC's gaining reputation. THEY FVCKING SUCK!

I'm the type that wants to build a POWER, this hire tells us all we need to know about Wyoming, Wyoming Athletics, the AD etc.... We don't care if he's only here for a year or 2, and he can use us all he wants as long as we have 1 good season! We need a fvcking good coach WHO IS GOING TO STAY MORE THAN 3 YEARS!
Don't sugar coat it, let us know how you really feel about Utah.
Yeah, tell us how you REALLY feel.....

Don't worry guys, I am taking initiative and I'm brainwashing my son to aspire to be a UW football coach. Right now this is his dream job and he wants to do everything he can to learn, cheat, steal, etc from other successful programs. Problem is he is only 6 so it could be a while before he is ready to take the helm, but it is his dream to build this program to be a National power. I wouldn't hold my breath though, a couple months ago he wanted to be a Transformer when he grew up.

Wow, I am getting goofy, I must be tired.

Seriously, we do need to find smart, charistmatic, young people who are passionate about UW sports and we need to do what we can to help groom them to make a difference in the future. If I were this passionate about UW sports when I was in college I would have used my skill sets in another career (probably not coaching). Talk about a dream job, taking your skills, whatever they are and making a difference, no matter the pay.

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