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Back to .500 in MWC play tonight?


Well-known member
The big question is can the Pokes win tonight? It does not matter how it is done or how ugly a game it is as long as the final score reads Wyoming has 1 or more total points than SDSU does.

I have a fear that SDSU pressures us all over the place forcing bad shots while we play soft defense allowing them to up their scoring total way above there low average. Our coach complains about too many games in a row and then complains about too many days off in a row. It makes it sound like an excuse that we can only play effectively if there is some mystery number of days in between games. It makes me lack any confidence that this team will win against good competition. SDSU is good competition.

I predict that SDSU wins by 5-7, but I am hoping that the Pokes can prevail at something like 74-71.
Shroyer admitted in the Casper Tribune that the defense needed work over the long layoff. We shall see tonight if there is the effort in that area (note that effort doesn't necessarily translate to success). Even then I think it will be a struggle to beat SDSU.
"We've tried to simplify some things. As a coach, maybe I've complicated some things defensively," Schroyer said.

This scares the hell out of me. We have not run any elaborate defensive schemes. How much simpler can man to man defense be?! Get in your man's face and stick with him. Don't rotate, don't collapse and step up the intensity.