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Anybody else run into this on NCAA Football 2010?


Well-known member
From time to time, while playing as either a HB or option QB on Road To Glory (mostly HB), when I get to the championship game for Highschool, the other team seems to have maxed out stats, especially on D. The pass rush from their D-line would put an entire D-line of Jerry Hughes' and Ndamukong Suhs to shame (and each of them are about 7ft tall or so). The linebackers, well, may as well be slightly smaller but faster D-linemen that seem to know every play. The secondary, well, if you get an open reciever that has clear field in front of him and the DBs are 20 yds back, those DBs will take him down in about 3-4 seconds with about 15 yds to go.
Had this happen to me too the way to fix it is to change the sliders, Bring your Pass Blocking up to 60 and drop the CPU Pass Rush to 40. Seems to work for me and the only time i get sacked is if i mess around or if i got against a beast Defensive Line. I also heard that bumping your Pass Coverage to 60 cause it seems to be the most realistic.
I'll have to try that. Because when they blitz one or two linebackers, I may as well not even have an O-line for all the good they do me.
When the CPU Blitz it pisses me off too, On Heismen EVERYTIME if you go for it on 4th down the CPU will blitz the Corners and 50% will all out blitz so i get alot of yards off them doing that.
Fatpoke said:
Had this happen to me too the way to fix it is to change the sliders, Bring your Pass Blocking up to 60 and drop the CPU Pass Rush to 40. Seems to work for me and the only time i get sacked is if i mess around or if i got against a beast Defensive Line. I also heard that bumping your Pass Coverage to 60 cause it seems to be the most realistic.
Wait a second, just caught this. I'm talking about 2010, not 2011 (blocking scheme is MUCH better there).
Oh durp >.< just noticed that too, Uh yeah on 10 the Blocking is total crap but if youre the QB Slide Protection is your friend.
Fatpoke said:
Oh durp >.< just noticed that too, Uh yeah on 10 the Blocking is total crap but if youre the QB Slide Protection is your friend.
Not when you are playing Road to Glory and make it to the High School Championship game and come across God's team. That Defense would make the All-American Defense look like a junior high team. And that's without blitzing. When they blitz, my O-line may as well as not even exist for all the good they do.
Fatpoke said:
Well turn your ACS on and run the hell away! :P
I tried to. The Defensive linemen had more speed than my option QB who ended up having an 89 speed rating. :tickedoff:

Yeah, so I ended up cussing it out for awhile.
Scrambling away on 11 is way easy with ACS.. then again i did edit the rosters where we had a C+ Offense and a B- defense..

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