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air force losing to sdsu


Well-known member
Looks like that game could be tough for us as well. Just think if they would have beat missouri we would have played ranked teams for six games of our twelve game season. Crazy.
What really stinks is that SDSU should've been ranked too. Without the refs and replay officials screwing up both the Mizzou and the BYU games, SDSU would likely be 5-0 now. Obviously Mizzou wouldn't be ranked as high either if that had been the case.
onside kick with 18 seconds fails...exciting game, that ronnie hillman could kill us. SDSU, AFA, and BYU all knock each other off in a 3 team round robin. chances of going bowling looking slim. not sure if we can beat byu on the road or SDSU at home. falcons were dropping like flies in this game, wish we were good enough to hurt people. gotta play our best game of the year against one of them to go bowling, lets hope it is this weekend in provo.

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