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you dudes keep referring to the 1988 championship season...

Can't help it that, that was truly the last dominant and truly great year from start to finish...something we will probably never see again. And those were the days where there was just a AP Top 20(not 25), we rocked for sure. Yes there's been a "few" good years, 96...but not great as these were.....man those were the days(I think if my last remaining brain cells can remember back that far)!!!!

To be a Pokes fan is kinda' like being a BOZO
Better to be BOZO than COCO the Clown from Groove Tube. That's more up your alley I suppose. You think 1988 is living in the past. Heck, that feels like yesterday. I'm still celebrating our 1942 National Basketball Championship. 31 wins and the crown. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

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