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Wyoming getting UW License Plates


Staff member
This is an awesome idea. I love the college plates.. I have a set of Montana Griz plates on my truck. Raises money for scholarships.. which is exactly what Wyoming is going to do.

From the Casper Star Tribune

License plates gain approval

Saturday, September 08, 2007

University of Wyoming trustees Friday approved the issuance of a new UW license plate which will be used to raise funds for scholarships.

The plates will be available for $130, of which $100 will go to the UW Alumni Association for scholarships, according to Jim Kearns of UW public relations.

The program is expected to begin in November, and the plates may be displayed as early as January.

The brown and yellow plate features a bucking bronco and rider.

-- Phil White
This is a great idea. One that most other states have been doing for years. We are always behind the rest of the world 10 years. :) I wish I could get NC plates with UW. I just cover up the NC with a UW frame, close enough..

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