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Wyoming @ Boise State Prediction Thread


Well-known member
Boise is just a very different team at home, this one may get very ugly.

Boise State 55
Wyoming 10
It won't happen. Wyoming is much better than that. And BSU is a lot worse than that. Even when we sucked and played BSU in Boise we lost 33-17.
I think that Sween recovers and we stop Johnson just like the Hushies did. Tharp will throw picks and maybe one td.
I'll go with a squeker. Wyo 25- BSU 23

If Wyo is going in with big heads - they lose !
If BSU comes out fighting mad after getting thumped by Washington - watch out !!

I'm bettin' on neither....Pokes will know what they're headin' into and the Broncos will feel invincible on the blue turf - should be a very entertaining game, and if Wyo plays within themselves - they can make last years Cinderella look like this years ugly step sister...

Wyoming 28 Boise State 10
31-28 Boise. Face it, they're still Boise and still pretty good. But this will be a nice test for Wyoming on the road, going into a winnable game against Ohio.
lol Boise is all around better then UW. We struggled in many phases of the game yesterday, I doubt we make it out of the Blue Turf alive. I like the confidence but in reality BSU is light years ahead of UW.
I think playing them on the blue turf gives them a 2 touchdown advantage, just like it did for us last year. Can we overcome that? I don't know, but everything will have to be running smooth for us with no mistakes. I do not believe they are light years ahead of us. We gave them a game last year and they were better last year than they are this year. We are better this year than we were last year. Every part of our team needs to be very well prepared for this game - including the coaches. Go Pokes.
I couldn't even begin to predict an accurate score. Two scenarios will result in greatly different games.

If BSU comes out in rhythm and hitting on all cylinders then I'm sorry to say that it's going to get ugly early and not get any better. The team is simply that good at home. It's an extremely athletic team that has the capability of dropping 50 pts on just about anyone if they're playing the way they're suppose to. BSU 55 Wyo 21.

If BSU comes out flat again, they may get very frustrated and not play within themselves. Wyoming has shown that it is very opportunistic this season and will take advantages of mistakes. BSU 31 Wyo 28.
USU pounded it on the ground against the Pokes. BS is way way better than USU on the ground, so the Pokes are in trouble there. The USU QB didn't get that much heat either. When the CB has to be the leading tackler, too many ball carriers are getting past the Backers and the Line -- trouble. The only thing that could save the Pokes is one hell of an offensive plan. And who makes that? Cockhill. Oh damn, we are in trouble!
Man this is a tough prediction... I agree with pretty much everyone so far, meaning it could realistically end up a number of ways. If Wyo plays with the heart and intensity like week one, we could give them a very good game. If we play like we did for three quarters this week, we will lose by 20-30 points. I agree that Boise has a two touchdown advantage at home against us, well against anyone I would say. We need to force at least two turnovers and slow the game down on D. We have learned in the past how to control Johnson, or at least contain him. If we can hold him to <75-80 yds on the ground, and put pressure on the QB we have a shot... We also need to continue to improve our red zone scoring, we need TD's, and Seldon will help us get them. Bottom line, just flat out guessing, I say we leave Idaho 2-1 in a fairly close game.
Boise 41- Pokes - 28
In the spirit of everybody else, I'll also give 2 predictions.

Optimistic Prediction:
Boise State finally realizes that they actually did lose a lot of the guys responsible for the great successes that they have had over the last couple of seasons. They get down, and don't fully prepare for the Cowboys. Seldon runs for 120 and 2 scores and the defense holds Johnson to under 100 yds rushing. Villedge kicks a FG late and WYO wins 24-21

Probably more realistic prediction:
Sween is blinded by the sun reflecting off the neon blue Smurf Turf and Stinson leads the team in tackles again, while Johnson runs over the Pokes defense. BSU defends the home field advantage 27-13.

Lets hope its situation #1...GO POKES!!!
Using my Method, I see the Pokes scoring at least 6 but less than 24. On the other hand, BSU will score more than 16 but less than 35. So there is a small window for the Pokes to pull one out.
If I had to be vegas, I'd put Wyoming as about 7 to 8 point underdogs. As with any week for Wyo, and really any college football team for that matter, its all about which teams show up. Wyoming is MORE then capable of playing with Boise, and more then capable of losing to Utah State at home. It looks like this team could be a play to the level of the comp. team, which would indicate promise for week 3 I guess. I really dont know too much about the 2007 Boise St Broncos, so I'll limit my observations and predictions to Wyoming.

The one thing I see being the biggest key is QB pressure, both ways, but particularly Wyoming on Boise. Last year I think pressure on Sween = loss, while this year I think he is light years more capable of standing in the pocket and delivering accuarate throws, and converting on 3rd downs. Still, pressure on him greatly decreases our chances of winning, as he will likely need to contribute much more then the past two weeks come Saturday. Luckily I think our O-line is much better then last year, atleast so far. Playing in a hostel enviornment for the first time might be the factor that ends that, as they are quite young. Still pressure on Boise will be the biggest x factor. Something we really shined at last season, has been absent this year to date. Boise is simply to explosive to allow time to stand and dissect.

It should be a great game, and Im stoked. Ill just be finishing up my intermural softball tournament, and just be coming down from that drunk in time to crack the beer for game time! Prediction...........

Boise St. 21 Wyoming 20
BAC at kickoff...... 0.11
BAC after Wyoming's last minute drive ends in a missed 43 yard field goal.......... 0.38
Jrods kinda being a WAC homer. The pokes will keep it close. Boise is worse than last year, Wyomings better. The pokes are hungry for the win. In the words of Dr.J, Julius Stinson, "Let's go get those Broncos"
Hi, Wyoming fans. Looking forward to seeing you in Boise Saturday.

I don't think this will be a 10-7 game. I think the winner will have to score at least four TDs.
The Bronc defense hasn't put a lot of pressure on opposing QBs this year. I don't know if that's because they can't or because that's the scheme they have been using.

The Bronco O line didn't step up as expected in Seattle--at least on run blocking. Wyoming appears to have a great D. If the Pokes take away the run Tharp will have to step up big time for us to win.

If this game was being played in Laramie I think you guys would have the edge. On the Blue I'm guessing BSU 31, Wyoming 17.
zorki1c said:
Hi, Wyoming fans. Looking forward to seeing you in Boise Saturday.

I don't think this will be a 10-7 game. I think the winner will have to score at least four TDs.
The Bronc defense hasn't put a lot of pressure on opposing QBs this year. I don't know if that's because they can't or because that's the scheme they have been using.

The Bronco O line didn't step up as expected in Seattle--at least on run blocking. Wyoming appears to have a great D. If the Pokes take away the run Tharp will have to step up big time for us to win.

If this game was being played in Laramie I think you guys would have the edge. On the Blue I'm guessing BSU 31, Wyoming 17.

Hey there zorki1c.

Good to have you here. I hope you are correct on your O-line and D pressure. If that holds up, we stand a very good chance to do something special up there. If it is the scheme, I am sure the coaches will be adjusting, losses have a way of pointing out those weaknesses. Anyway, I have ben feeling guilty that I predicted a WYO loss in my post earlier this week. What kind of freakin' fan am I?? So I am goign to do a 180 and give my official last pre-gaem prediction. I predict that the turf will not be the only blue in the stadium, the locals will be blue facing next week with 2 losses in a row! GO WYO!!

WYO- 38
Boyzee St. - 31
wyopokesfan23 said:
Jrods kinda being a WAC homer. The pokes will keep it close. Boise is worse than last year, Wyomings better. The pokes are hungry for the win. In the words of Dr.J, Julius Stinson, "Let's go get those Broncos"

We will find out this weekend if UW is "better" Cause they have yet to prove that.


Wyoming 38
Utah State 7


Wyoming 32
Utah State 18

That my friend is not "better"

Boise is a totally different team at home fans. Don't be surprised if things get out of hand.
you really need to stop talking sh!t, J-Rod... I wouldn't be suprised if your overrated Hawaii squad loses to UNLV this sat. Mark down the upset.
dapokes said:
you really need to stop talking sh!t, J-Rod... I wouldn't be suprised if your overrated Hawaii squad loses to UNLV this sat. Mark down the upset.

Watch the language!

Besides UNLV is bad. Hawaii will beat them.

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