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WTE article on ACS, DL Issues, New "Injury" Policy:


Well-known member

Love that "new injury policy" :lol:
Goes right in stride with ending the autographs immediately after the game and closing practices. What the hell is he afraid of?
Bobby Hauck, when he was here at Montana, was even more tight lipped than this policy. He wouldn't even tell you who was going to be playing or who was hurt. He'd use a lot of phrases like, "______ is pretty banged up.. we'll see on Saturday if he can go." I asked him once about a player who was very obviously injured one week if that player would be playing and his response was, "35 will be there." 35 was there... with jersey and no pads. :) He never talked about suspensions, injuries, etc. His practices were open, but if the media irked him, the practices closed. So DC is still a little more liberal about it than some.. I imagine Hauck has taken the same approach at UNLV.
Wind River Poke said:
Goes right in stride with ending the autographs immediately after the game and closing practices. What the hell is he afraid of?

I just think he is generally a no bullshit kind of guy. He wants things done his way and only his way. And if those "things" are lame, he doesn't care, and won't back down (at least in the public / media eye).

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