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Why do obama and biden...


Well-known member
Deliver pallets of cash to Iran? I wonder what they are funding? The bs about how this 6 billion will be "controlled" spending is obviously false except to the blind party lapdog.

6 billion now!? I'm sure the biden and obama crime syndicates will get a big cut after Iran takes their share for laundering it.
Please just let this O’Biden nightmare end! You know that feeble old degenerate inveterate liar isn’t actually doing anything other than what his puppet master obama wants him to do which is to destroy this country they hate.
Just think, if we got a day off for every time creepy Joe stumbles, falls or craps his diaper we’d be on permanent leave.
Itsux2beaewe said:
Just think, if we got a day off for every time creepy Joe stumbles, falls or craps his diaper we’d be on permanent leave.


That's something my dad would say. :rofl: :rofl:

And I agree. Ole Skippy Boy needs to be put in a retirement home asap!!!!!
The president should never be over 70. Ever. If you are too old to be a fucking Walmart greeter, you are too old to be president. Both Biden and Trump should be in an assisted living facility, picking imaginary lint balls off their robes.
CowboyNV said:
The president should never be over 70. Ever. If you are too old to be a fucking Walmart greeter, you are too old to be president. Both Biden and Trump should be in an assisted living facility, picking imaginary lint balls off their robes.

Completely agree. Good luck getting both an age limit and term limit amendments to the Constitution passed. You have a better shot of seeing Wyoming playing for the football national championship than seeing either amendment idea get passed.
Wyokie said:
CowboyNV said:
The president should never be over 70. Ever. If you are too old to be a f-word Walmart greeter, you are too old to be president. Both Biden and Trump should be in an assisted living facility, picking imaginary lint balls off their robes.

Completely agree. Good luck getting both an age limit and term limit amendments to the Constitution passed. You have a better shot of seeing Wyoming playing for the football national championship than seeing either amendment idea get passed.

In my opinion there are 50 year olds who wouldn’t be competent. Kamala Harris as an example. More inclined to select based on competency vs age.

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