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Where did M'Baye come from?


Well-known member
Watched the game last night, and was pretty pleased with the effort. We still have quite a few mistakes to work on, but I think for the first time this year I actually saw something that a new coach can build with. I've been saying that, but I actually saw it last night.

But where in the hell did M'Baye come from? I remember when he got here we were being told how great he would be, but he never seemed to be the difference maker Schroyer thought he would be. Now I'm wondering if that was Schroyer's fault? Over the last few games M'Baye has really come into his own and become a bona-fide star. Was Schroyer holding him back on purpose? Was there some other reason that M'Baye wasn't being utilized like he is now?

I don't want to add to any conspiracy theories, but it seems that if Schroyer wanted to save his job, he would have turned M'Baye loose a lot earlier in the season. Just curious...

The whole team is playing more like a team since Schroyer was fired. Everyone is getting more playing time also. I think a lot of it is just the game plan as they are playing the game now more so through M'Baye than under Schroyer.

Basically it looks like Langley is a better coach than Schroyer and is getting more out the players he has.
wellpoke said:
Watched the game last night, and was pretty pleased with the effort. We still have quite a few mistakes to work on, but I think for the first time this year I actually saw something that a new coach can build with. I've been saying that, but I actually saw it last night.

But where in the hell did M'Baye come from? I remember when he got here we were being told how great he would be, but he never seemed to be the difference maker Schroyer thought he would be. Now I'm wondering if that was Schroyer's fault? Over the last few games M'Baye has really come into his own and become a bona-fide star. Was Schroyer holding him back on purpose? Was there some other reason that M'Baye wasn't being utilized like he is now?

I don't want to add to any conspiracy theories, but it seems that if Schroyer wanted to save his job, he would have turned M'Baye loose a lot earlier in the season. Just curious...


I think you could always see Mbaye's talent and determination. I mentioned it several times last year and in the off-season. However, he has really worked on his game. Sometimes coaching makes a huge difference, but they can only spend so much time with the players. A lot of times it's just about how hard the individuals work to improve their game. It's clear that Amath has really worked on his game and worked on developing specific moves and skills.

I think he is one player that really chafed under some of Schroyer's rotations and what I thought was over-coaching. Langley has turned him loose a little bit and he has responded.
Ive always thought that Heath was hardest on MBaye of all the pokes. That poor kid looked on the brink of tears almost every time he was on the court. Now he smiles and has fun. He there is a big difference in playing for someone who yells at you for everything you do good or bad to playing for a guy who gives you encouragement and cares. I cant believe how many of the boys go over and hug Langely after plays. Its a complete night and day turnaround