Let me get this straight... You were told, fifteen years ago, that a team of players was dirty. And from that, you surmise that an entirely different team, under an entirely different coach, must also play dirty -- despite no evidence to support your assertion and no history of complaints from anyone else in the past fifteen years.
Damn, you've got us.
See, here's what I heard...
You had a bunch of friends on the teams (early - mid 90's). They always told you what a dirty, cheap-shotting team the Bulldogs were. And they realized that dirty, cheap-shot teams could be successful -- so they started playing dirty, cheap shot football. And I'll bet things haven't changed since (largely because of whoever the heck your coach is now.)
Seriously, I have no idea whether or not Sweeney's teams sometimes played dirty. It wouldn't surprise me if for no other reason than that teams are composed of people and 80 some people will not always follow the rules. But gimme a break. To damn the current team on the basis of second hand information received about a different team, under a different coach, 15-20 years ago doesn't make any sense at all.
Yoda out...