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What a pathetic performance


Well-known member
Utterly disgusting. I understand BSU is the #3 team in the country, but its one thing to have them beat you, its another thing to roll over and die, a trend that is becoming commonplace against the elite teams on our schedule.

The team looked lost and played without the necessary mental fortitude to even make BSU work for their win, that is unacceptable. This isn't just the o line or d line. Its the entire team. We better pick it up fast or we're looking at a 3 win season.
Wow. I went to this game expecting the Pokes to loose, but this.......christ......this was just ridiculous. The most fundemental stuff is lacking from this team. I really think it is a coaching problem. Just damn ugly play by the Pokes...... :oops:
The Boise fans we saw were arrogant assholes. Prior to this game I was hoping Boise might screw up the BCS and make a big run at the title. After seeing some of their fans in action, I hope they get knocked off.....and the fans get knocked off their pedastal.
The Boise fans we saw were arrogant assholes. Prior to this game I was hoping Boise might screw up the BCS and make a big run at the title. After seeing some of their fans in action, I hope they get knocked off.....and the fans get knocked off their pedastal.
I've seen quite a few of those ones too - likely their bandwagon fans.

Still, I'm finding myself starting to hope Nevada and/or Fresno State will upset them.
Anyone else notice that there were so many punk ass Wyo kids wearing BSU stuff just because they are winning? Like all the Duke/USC ect fake fans. I HATE THAT SHIT. Be true to your team or just fuck off and live
Unfortunately, As Boise keeps winning and getting an increasing national following/interest, they are unfortunately also attracting some new bandwagon fans that don't always have the best manners. It is quite unfortunate, because I have always found bronco fans in past years to be some of the very best fans around.
TwoTone said:
Anyone else notice that there were so many punk ass Wyo kids wearing BSU stuff just because they are winning? Like all the Duke/USC ect fake fans. I HATE THAT s##t. Be true to your team or just f##k off and live
If anything, I saw more people wearing the Brown and Gold today then I have before. Like at Wal-Mart. For every person NOT wearing Brown and Gold, it seemed like there were 2-3 that were. And not once did I see anyone wearing Blue and Orange.
TwoTone said:
fromolwyoming said:
TwoTone said:
it was really hard to watch
I know. Wasn't any better at the game. At least the BSU fans that were around were I was at weren't rubbing it in.

The ones in front of me were complete douchebags

All the ones I ran into all weekend were not assholes especailly after they handed our asses in a hand basket I proly would have knocked some heads if they were

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