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We're about to get raked over


Well-known member

After reading that, g6 and lower better band together. We could leverage ncaa tourney but my guess is everyone will be too scared to stand up to the p4. We'll eat whatever shit sandwich they'll feed us.

Split or equal voices.

After reading that, g6 and lower better band together. We could leverage ncaa tourney but my guess is everyone will be too scared to stand up to the p4. We'll eat whatever shit sandwich they'll feed us.

Split or equal voices.
If they’re seeking more control they’ll get it.
I am for anything that will make the split happen faster.

We are playing a game that is unwinnable. The sooner we realize it and organize our own league, the better.
Agree completely. We already let them shove the very unfair House settlement down our throats. You can’t have a real partnership based on a system where there is no real negotiating power between partners. It blows my mind that the G6 or whatever hasn’t already walked away.
Goodbye automatic qualifiers for small conference champions if that happens.
It will become much more ridiculous than that haha. They will come up with some playoff selection criteria which includes ‘wins over P4 schools’ or something to that effect. Given the fact that P4 schools largely refuse to schedule G6 schools and pretty much never at the site of the G6 school, it will assure the G6 that they are functionally excluded.
Agree completely. We already let them shove the very unfair House settlement down our throats. You can’t have a real partnership based on a system where there is no real negotiating power between partners. It blows my mind that the G6 or whatever hasn’t already walked away.
In my opinion, it's mostly because of the fear of change and the unknown.

There are an unlimited number of scary "what if" scenarios, so it's more comfortable to just stay in the system that you know and understand, even if it means being the whipping boy.

For that exact reason, that's why I am starting to root for anything that will basically force the G6 to make the split. I don't think the G6 teams will ever pull that trigger themselves.
For that exact reason, that's why I am starting to root for anything that will basically force the G6 to make the split. I don't think the G6 teams will ever pull that trigger themselves.

I don't disagree for football. Olympic sports I'm not so sure.

I think every rational person can see that we need a top league for football complete with collective bargaining and independent of all other sports. For every other sport, it needs to go back to regional conferences without much change to the post-season. Men's bball might be included here.

We need to leverage that with a scheduling ban. Outside of Men's bball, the rest of the sports would suffer without g6 and lower.

Give them football because honestly they probably earned it. Teams like us don't belong in the same sentence with Alabama or TX. Stand tough on everything else.

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