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Washington-Grizzly Panoramic from Tonight


Staff member
It was 13 degrees, wind made it 0 degrees. The snow was blowing. Biggest game in WashGriz Stadium history.. and despite it being 0 degrees, the stadium was packed and we were rocking it off of it's hinges. Here's a shot I took tonight.
FTG lucky SOB's good for selle, mariani, and the other montana boys but cant stand griz nation, ask 10 Griz fans if they could be USC 5 of them would say they have a a shot every single year, When Humphrey was there you wouldve thought he was as good as Reggie Bush
Sweet Pic. I watched most of the game. Glad the Grizz pulled it out.

The Griz played on ESPN before the Cowboys did this year.... geez.