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UW Gets JC All-American


The official release should be coming from the AD shortly. This will sure help our defensive secondary. Here's the info:

OK if I let out a big yawn here?

In order to build a solid structure, you must have a solid foundation. Transfers are like spackling, designed to temporarily mend a crack in the wall, but not a long term solution.

Use resources to build a foundation, and a good structure, the long term is much more important than unsightly patch up jobs.

Just my very humble personal opinion.
upfront said:
OK if I let out a big yawn here?

In order to build a solid structure, you must have a solid foundation. Transfers are like spackling, designed to temporarily mend a in the wall, but not a long term solution.

Use resources to build a foundation, and a good structure, the long term is much more important than unsightly patch up jobs.

Just my very humble personal opinion.

Some of the best players in the country are JC players, transfers are athletes that don't need to adjust to college atmosphere and can contribute much quicker then HS athletes can. Even the top schools grab JC players. This is a very strong get for UW, yes he may only be around for awhile, but what he will do in 2 years for UW is better then what some 4 years players ever do.

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