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Userbar Request Thread


Active member
I have a thread like this on 2 other sites so why not here, eh?

Simple concept. Request userbars (like the ones in my signature, or the smaller versions) for your favorite teams and/or organizations.

Be specific on size. There are 3 size choices.

350x19 (small)
350x35 (size of the ones in my signature)
350x85 (size of the WyoNation and Wyo Cowboys ones in MrTitleist's signature)

I have a blogger site located here so if you see the one you want there, use it.

I also have my own forum located here which you could visit and request from.
Funny you ask, someone just asked for one on BobcatNation the other day.


How about one featuring the Pittsburgh Steelers? The 350x35 size would be perfect. If you could also work in something about the super bowl, that would be freaking sweet!
How's this?


Perfect! That was super quick!

How about a University of Arizona, and a Minnesota Twins one in that same size? No hurry, feel free to work your magic at your leisure. You definitely have a talent here.
The Arizona one is probably one of my favs I've done.


The Twins one has the HHH Metrodome in the background since its in its final season.

The UA one is pretty sweet, as is the Twins one. Thank a lot man! I gotta find someway next spring to get back to Minneapolis and see a game in the new stadium once it opens up.
Yeah I'm in Moorhead, MN...but I'm the biggest Yankees fan you'll find (next to my dad and sister).

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