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Urgency for the Cowboy football program??


Well-known member

1). 56 - 145 points scored (we have almost been outscored by 100 points in 5 games)

2). 8 - 19 turnovers (-11 in turnovers after 5 games) on pace for almost 46 turnovers for the season.

3). Attendance dropping - 20,430 (Ohio), 23,168 (Air Force), 19,156 (ND St), 17,411 (BG)...

4). We played 4 (yes, I said 4) quarterbacks IN ONE GAME!!!

5). 12.5 point underdog to New Mexico this week with a back-up quarterback (not a lot of confidence in WY)

6). Burman quoted as saying that he will wait until the end of the season to evaluate the program, Joe, and his assts

Where is the urgency?? What is bright in the future of our program?? I am reading from people on the message boards that say "hey, we still could get to 5 -6 wins (maybe!) if we do this or do that". I say SCREW THAT!!!!! Is that our expectations? The overall record of the top team in the MWC since 2003 has been no less than 10-2. That is where I want to be and I think that should be our expectations EVERY YEAR!

I have posted this before and I will say it again. We need to absolutely ROCK THE VERY FOUNDATION OF WYOMING FOOTBALL TO THE CORE!! We need to raise this sinking ship and turn it around. We need to look outside of the box and comfort zone and change it all! With a successful and winning football program comes the money and support that we desperately need!!! Competitve?? NO!! DOMINATE!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!

No more excuses! Recruiting, climate, facilities...etc Screw That!!!!!!! No More!!! If the president to the Athletic Director to the coaches to the players can't get on board with that, then let's find someone that will. I have grown up with Cowboy Athletics and I know that this can be done!

To President Buchanan, Athletic Director Burman, Head Coach Glenn and assistants, it might just be a paycheck and supporting your families to you, but to the state of Wyoming and alums, we bleed BROWN AND GOLD PRIDE literally, and the inferior product you have set before us is UNACCEPTABLE!! This goes deeper than a 4-8 record or a 5-7 record, it is all about OUR PRIDE and you are not living up to that!! CHANGE IS NEEDED! NOW!!
I want this team to win as badly as anyone does. At the beginning of every year I think we should play the toughest opponents we can find and strive to go 12-0, period! Right now I am pissed off every Saturday watching them come apart and by mid-week am hopeful that they will get it together enough to get a win and get some momentum. That being said, I think Burman and Buchanan have both been at Wyoming / Wyoming supporters for long enough that their loyalty need not be questioned! Second, at this point 5-7, 6-6 would be a vast improvement over where we sit today. Those aren't number's you strive for at the beginning of the season, but from where we are today to get to 6-6 would give me hope that we have the talent to compete on both sides of the ball. I am not saying 6-6 should be enough to keep Glenn here for sure, I am saying based on Burman's pre-season comments and how we hypothetically get to 6-6 should be the basis for Glenn staying or going. Finally I personally don't see the point in firing Glenn before the end of the season even if you think that is the decision that needs to be made. All that does is tell the team and fans that you are writing this season off, and you think attendance is dropping now, try that and see if we even get 10K to the rest of the games. Plus all the good coaches have jobs right now, so its not like you are going to get someone in place any sooner anyway. Ok enough of my rant.
Snow -

Wasn't it right before the AF game that Glenn said the game wasn't necessarily a must win game but that he hoped the pokes would show well? (something to that effect) If that is the case Joe has no expectations of going 12-0, which means he is not expecting to dominate. I want us to expect to win every time we walk onto the field, ESPECIALLY at War Memorial. Any field we are walking onto now, we are not just playing to not lose but just keep it respectable. Not acceptable at all!
7220Fan said:
Snow -

Wasn't it right before the AF game that Glenn said the game wasn't necessarily a must win game but that he hoped the pokes would show well? (something to that effect) If that is the case Joe has no expectations of going 12-0, which means he is not expecting to dominate. I want us to expect to win every time we walk onto the field, ESPECIALLY at War Memorial. Any field we are walking onto now, we are not just playing to not lose but just keep it respectable. Not acceptable at all!

I never heard that quote from Glenn, but I will take your word about the gist of it. I agree the team needs to have a mentality that every game is winnable and should be confident about their ability to take it to the other team. One question though...hypothetically what happens when a coach calls a game "must-win" and the team loses? IMO that deflates everyone even more, there is no plus side to a statement like that. I don't have a problem with a head coach coming out and saying "Team X is a good time, but we are prepared, have a good game plan, and expect to win if we play to our ability" which clearly indicates the ability and expectation of winning but doesn't add any unneeded pressure.
Yes, he did make the statement that the game was not a must win. I thought every game was a must win!?!??!
7220Fan said:
Where is the urgency?? What is bright in the future of our program?? I am reading from people on the message boards that say "hey, we still could get to 5 -6 wins (maybe!) if we do this or do that". I say SCREW THAT!!!!! Is that our expectations? The overall record of the top team in the MWC since 2003 has been no less than 10-2. That is where I want to be and I think that should be our expectations EVERY YEAR!

I have posted this before and I will say it again. We need to absolutely ROCK THE VERY FOUNDATION OF WYOMING FOOTBALL TO THE CORE!! We need to raise this sinking ship and turn it around. We need to look outside of the box and comfort zone and change it all! With a successful and winning football program comes the money and support that we desperately need!!! Competitve?? NO!! DOMINATE!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!

No more excuses! Recruiting, climate, facilities...etc Screw That!!!!!!! No More!!! If the president to the Athletic Director to the coaches to the players can't get on board with that, then let's find someone that will. I have grown up with Cowboy Athletics and I know that this can be done!

To President Buchanan, Athletic Director Burman, Head Coach Glenn and assistants, it might just be a paycheck and supporting your families to you, but to the state of Wyoming and alums, we bleed BROWN AND GOLD PRIDE literally, and the inferior product you have set before us is UNACCEPTABLE!! This goes deeper than a 4-8 record or a 5-7 record, it is all about OUR PRIDE and you are not living up to that!! CHANGE IS NEEDED! NOW!!

Pretty much sums up my feelings. Well said.
I to bleed brown and gold but fail to see how a mid season change does anything but hurt us. I hope this staff can turn it around, and will support them. The only thing that could change that would be a sloppy, uninspired, poorly executed game against Utah....if that happens, that would push me over the edge.

But I have looked too far into the future in the past (thought 2006 was a bust at 1-4-we finished strong with 2 great wins against Utah and CSU) & (started thinking about which bowl we would end up in in 2005 & 2007) SO WE NEED TO JUST FOCUS ON FINDING ANY WAY TO BEAT NEW MEXICO... THOSE TEST CHEATING, GARBAGE THROWING, COMMITMENTS STEALING WORMS......actually I respect what they have acheived and am jealous, I want to schedule weak opponents, get a good record and if all else fails, play in my own bowl over more deserving teams in my conf that I lost to during the season.

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