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UC Davis??


Well-known member
Saw on Twitter UC Davis is set to join the MWC in all sports, but football. Why?? Why not just add New Mexico State in all sports
Would love to have your thoughts on this!
Davis has a larger alumni base than NMSU, is in a better market with less overlap (NMSU is in El Paso with UTEP.) Davis' athletic budget ($40 million) is larger than NMSU ($37 million) even without FBS football. Davis is academically superior to NMSU is every way even though I don't think that is the most important thing. And finally, Davis doesn't have the stigma of an athletic department demonstrating complete lack of institutional control at various levels. NMSU's athletic department is radioactive....
Davis has a larger alumni base than NMSU, is in a better market with less overlap (NMSU is in El Paso with UTEP.) Davis' athletic budget ($40 million) is larger than NMSU ($37 million) even without FBS football. Davis is academically superior to NMSU is every way even though I don't think that is the most important thing. And finally, Davis doesn't have the stigma of an athletic department demonstrating complete lack of institutional control at various levels. NMSU's athletic department is radioactive....
All good points.

I was surprised to see UC Davis' attendance average was 1,250 for home games last season? It looks like they play in an arena that sits 6,000 for basketball. Ouch.
Their sports kind of seem like a joke. Isn’t athletics the point?
It’s an Olympic sports add. It allows the MWC to continue to sponsor baseball, softball, gymnastics, soccer, golf
and tennis. Without the add, the MWC would be unable to field enough teams for certain sports to sponsor them.

It’s also a relatively easy travel destination that fits in well with SJSU and Reno for Olympic sports travel purposes.
It’s an Olympic sports add. It allows the MWC to continue to sponsor baseball, softball, gymnastics, soccer, golf
and tennis. Without the add, the MWC would be unable to field enough teams for certain sports to sponsor them.

It’s also a relatively easy travel destination that fits in well with SJSU and Reno for Olympic sports travel purposes.
Makes sense
Why do you keep calling GCU a diploma mill?
Because it’s how I would personally characterize their current education model and the value that many employers put on an online degree from Grand Canyon.

Ask yourself - do you believe a job seeker would be better off with an online degeee from Grand Canyon or a normal Bachelor’s from a typical state school like the University of Wyoming?
Because it’s how I would personally characterize their current education model and the value that many employers put on an online degree from Grand Canyon.

Ask yourself - do you believe a job seeker would be better off with an online degeee from Grand Canyon or a normal Bachelor’s from a typical state school like the University of Wyoming?
I doubt many employers would care. Many aren’t requiring a college education any longer.
Because it’s how I would personally characterize their current education model and the value that many employers put on an online degree from Grand Canyon.

Ask yourself - do you believe a job seeker would be better off with an online degeee from Grand Canyon or a normal Bachelor’s from a typical state school like the University of Wyoming?
I don’t think a bachelors degree is worth much except maybe from engineering type schools. definitely a use for college in those fields but zero for business and a lot of others. At some point, people will look at people who move somewhere and go to a physical college as suckers.

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