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True Freshmen


Well-known member
I've never heard of a season where so many true freshmen made such a huge impact so early -

Luke Ruff - Nearly two punt blocks
Ghaali Muhammad - Picked up the punt block and took it in
ACS - Decent job at QB
Shamiel Gary - Three interceptions in two games?
Alvester Alexander - TD first time he touched the ball

You could argue those 5 have been among the top 20 performers for the pokes so far this season

And there are others who have played, just not made a statement play yet.

My only question is how much is this a sign of the talent level on the team and how much is it DC's recruiting?
Not only that he got Benjiman so there are 2 QBs ahead of Sween now, he has 2 commitments at QB for next year one from Tampa? A Tampa recruit is unheard of with Glenn. Orlando Arnold is in the picture now I know almost every player on the Cowboys team but i do not remember Arnold standing out DC got a Nike sponsrship thats huge for recruiting and we seem to have a bright future