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Or sometime in the next few months, 1 side will bitch, moan, and cry. The other will be joyous and talk about a "new day in America". Everything will get worse; everyone will talk about the most important election of our lifetime in 4 years; and the beat will go on until it doesn't.

Reality is crippling debt and unsustainable systems interwoven into a fragile economy will eventually crumble. The plane is going down. Doesn't matter who jumps in the cockpit now. Dems and Repubs have destroyed this country.
Or sometime in the next few months, 1 side will bitch, moan, and cry. The other will be joyous and talk about a "new day in America". Everything will get worse; everyone will talk about the most important election of our lifetime in 4 years; and the beat will go on until it doesn't.

Reality is crippling debt and unsustainable systems interwoven into a fragile economy will eventually crumble. The plane is going down. Doesn't matter who jumps in the cockpit now. Dems and Repubs have destroyed this country.

So basically, like what's going on within the Athletic Department at UW? Gawd, I miss the Roach Era.
Whatever your feelings on the candidates, go vote today. If you feel like change is needed, vote. If you feel like we're on the right path and need to continue down it, vote. If you're mad as hell, vote. The best part of this country is that we all have a say.
Whatever your feelings on the candidates, go vote today. If you feel like change is needed, vote. If you feel like we're on the right path and need to continue down it, vote. If you're mad as hell, vote. The best part of this country is that we all have a say.
State level elections. Somewhat depending on districting. County or city level. Definitely.

President? Not really unless you're in a swing state.

Of course you can vote it just doesn't really matter. Besides, voting at the federal level is endorsing this crap. Until there's a viable non-dem and non-repub candidate, I honestly don't give a rat's ass who gets in. It'll be a shitshow regardless. I'll vote on local matters and abstain from the rest of the nonsense.
Or sometime in the next few months, 1 side will bitch, moan, and cry. The other will be joyous and talk about a "new day in America". Everything will get worse; everyone will talk about the most important election of our lifetime in 4 years; and the beat will go on until it doesn't.

Reality is crippling debt and unsustainable systems interwoven into a fragile economy will eventually crumble. The plane is going down. Doesn't matter who jumps in the cockpit now. Dems and Repubs have destroyed this country.
Jim Gergahty wrote an article on National Review pretty much stating this exact same sentiment
To me. much comes down to the Supreme Court. Wisconsin's SC "flipped" due to an influx of out of state cash. Only a matter of time before all of Governor Walker's reforms are declared unconstitutional. Public unions, limits on government spending, private property bill of rights...gone. It is a more political body than the state legislature.

And now that President Trump has won and Republicans control Senate, it is a perfect time to to start discussing again court packing and expanding the number to 12, 15 or 20. 🤣 Of course I do not support that scheme, but as Barry once said "elections have consequences."
To me. much comes down to the Supreme Court. Wisconsin's SC "flipped" due to an influx of out of state cash. Only a matter of time before all of Governor Walker's reforms are declared unconstitutional. Public unions, limits on government spending, private property bill of rights...gone. It is a more political body than the state legislature.

And now that President Trump has won and Republicans control Senate, it is a perfect time to to start discussing again court packing and expanding the number to 12, 15 or 20. 🤣 Of course I do not support that scheme, but as Barry once said "elections have consequences."
Yeah, and now is when the senate filibuster is a useful, time-honored tradition to dems. Last year is was an obstruction to progress and DeMocRaCY. Lmao
To me. much comes down to the Supreme Court. Wisconsin's SC "flipped" due to an influx of out of state cash. Only a matter of time before all of Governor Walker's reforms are declared unconstitutional. Public unions, limits on government spending, private property bill of rights...gone. It is a more political body than the state legislature.
Just a small correction: Scott Walker was very much against public unions. Under him, Wisconsin became a right-to-work state.
Just a small correction: Scott Walker was very much against public unions. Under him, Wisconsin became a right-to-work state.
As it should be. Workers should have the choice. The union does little other than making union bosses wealthy. Interesting many unions and members supported Trump understanding the dems have taken their vote for granted and saw the Biden/Kamrad economy made a huge sucking sound in their wallets.
I find it funny that we have 2 tribes that truly believe the other tribe is the source of all problems.

EVERYTHING has a money trail. They just convince you it only exists on the "other side". It's a damn shame what we've become.
huge money trail. One billion $$s Kamrad spent and is $20 million short. That is obscene.

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