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Threw this together quick...

I agree the laterals and the no gain pass plays are shitty. However I don't think the answer is looking to pass thirty yards down field. I think we could go over the middle more and get the five to ten yard pass play, and this is were I see the difference between ACS this year and last year. David Leonard was succesfull last year on the mid range rout and I haven't seen that much this year. In fact I havent seen ACS pass to the middle of the field were there recievers are getting open.
The lateral runs, the trick plays that have us run backwards for more than 5 yards - both suck. Oh, and the roll out throws of any greater than 10 yards with ACS. He never set his feet, was scared of getting hit, and would invariably throw the ball 30 yards out of bounds - even though our guy was wide open.

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