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These next 2 games can really make or break this season


Well-known member
Before the season, these 2 games against AFA and Toledo were our best chances to pick up some wins in the middle of this brutal stretch. They still are our best chances, but AFA looks a lot less winnable than at the beginning of the year, and if we play like we did against Boise St., we won't beat Toledo either.

Really important that the Pokes put together their best effort right now, because it doesn't get any easier for awhile.
For sure. If we drop these next two games, it's going to be a tough road ahead. With TCU, Utah, and BYU all in a row. I hope we find something defensively to stop AF. A few early 3 & outs and get some quick points on the board will give us some confidence.
Cornpoke said:
For sure. If we drop these next two games, it's going to be a tough road ahead. With TCU, Utah, and BYU all in a row. I hope we find something defensively to stop AF. A few early 3 & outs and get some quick points on the board will give us some confidence.

Especially if we can take them out of their element and they have to play catch-up
i agree if we can score on our first possession or first two and stop AF they will be in trouble... the thing about boise is the crowd never got into because our offense took us out of it
AF is loss. Toledo should be winnable, and TCU and Utah are both losses. BYU "should be" a winnable game too. 2-3 out of that strecht is doing extremely well for wyoming.
I would expect a Toledo win.. they don't look like a great team. AFA is really icy road.. minor slip-ups and the Falcons will get us.. but I would think if we want to measure how our program is doing this year, a test w/ AFA would be a good indicator.
This is a key two game stretch for sure. A sweep would be great and help us all forget about last weekend. But, even a split would put us on track for another bowl. We have played AFA tough in our recent losses to them. Time for the Pokes to get over the hump....it isn't an unwinnable game by any stretch.
We controlled afa really well last year we should've beat them! If we are prepared n tackle like that we will be fine but that is a big if and we don't have fletch or unrein

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