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The Mtn.

Wind River Poke

Well-known member
Anyone see the piece on Schroyer and his son after the Cowgirl UNM game last night? Really???? The Mtn. must not have gotten the memo that Heath is no longer the head basketball coach at Wyoming.
It was a nice piece on how Laramie was a great fit for Schroyers family and such. But really, you still air it after the guy gets fired? They are really on top of things in the studio I tell ya!
i read that one last week

wyosteelerfan said:
i read that one last week


That is a great piece on Schroyer and shows that he is more than just a Bball coach.
PokePride.com said:
That is a great piece on Schroyer and shows that he is more than just a Bball coach.

He can be the Energizer F***in Bunny for all I care. We paid him to be the BASKETBALL coach! I don't keep my job because I'm a great guy outside the office.
Yeah Schroyer thought it was such a great fit that the family moved to Salt Lake a year ago, and he sold his house and he was baching in Laramie.

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