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The MTN analyst


Well-known member
For those who watch the "mountain" tv channel, do you feel that "Jay" (the CU football idiot who couldnt cut it in the pro's) is always (and I mean ALWAYS) bashing Wyoming. And not even in a nice way. After the SDSU victory, he still bashed Wyoming and stated that "there is no way that Wyoming beats Tennessee. Well, after Wyoming beat Tennessee, he never said a word, never said he was wrong. We should start an email campaign against the idiot. If you click on "Ask the Analyst" you can write in a question. Why not question why he is even on there or if he will just shut the hell up when the conversation turns to Wyoming. Something along those lines. We may be having a terrible year, but we dont need some CU hack berating us on tv as well.
While were at it, Todd "I crap BYU Blue" Christensen needs to go too. He is the biggest homer on tv these days, and I honestly think he is so dumb that he doesn't actually believe he is doing it. Guarantee you no matter who is playing (could be SDSU v. TCU) he makes at least 5 BYU references per game.
No doubt. We need to put that in the "Ask the Analyst" as well. How about this question: "Is Todd Christenson so stuck on BYU that he has to refer to them in EVERY game?" or "Is there someway that Christenson can keep from being such a homer for BYU?"

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