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The last laugh.....


Well-known member
....will be had by Eric Platt tonight.

Hopefully he took a loop past Schroyer's flat and told him to kiss his ass before the game in Greeley later.

Heathcliff lauds the signing of Paco Cruz as exactly what the Pokes need to fix their shooting ails......hmmmmm.....didn't you have Cruz 2.0 on campus before and you told him he wasn't what you needed from that position????

Cruz can't guard Buedo.

Dumb effer. How did those program changing players named Thiam and Sylla work out for you???

Eric, your daddy would be proud of your resiliency.

What are you hearing in regards to Heath's replacement????? What are your thoughts on Dunlap if some of the things we've heard are true? You always seem to have a little more inside information than others.......

Go Pokes
Absolutely no pulse on that process right now. I know that Dooley has privately campaigned for it but other than that.....nada.

I can't even find the residue of the supposed smoking gun regarding Dunlap. Who, by the way is a hire that would be big time. I would be shocked if he ends up here.

Ah, but Platt didn't need anyone to go to teachers and plead for help in making sure he stayed eligible.

Don't you just love it when all of the Heath Schroyer worshippers from four years ago suddenly have found religion?

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