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The demise of UW/CSU baseball [TheMTN]

Unfortunetly, I'm not a baseball fan. It's one of the few sports I despise. Needless to say, last summer when I was forced to go to the Rockies (Schmokies) game, I was kind of pissed.
fromolwyoming said:
Unfortunetly, I'm not a baseball fan. It's one of the few sports I despise. Needless to say, last summer when I was forced to go to the Rockies (Schmokies) game, I was kind of pissed.

I hate baseball as much as I do for all things BYU!!!!!!!!!

Part of the reason: NO CHEERLEADERS at the pro level!!!!!!!!
fromolwyoming said:
Unfortunetly, I'm not a baseball fan. It's one of the few sports I despise. Needless to say, last summer when I was forced to go to the Rockies (Schmokies) game, I was kind of pissed.

Do you prefer Golf where the spectators are forced to be quiet and you hit a stationary ball off a tee? Now that's gay!

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