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The 2nd most interesting Game this weekend for me is........


Well-known member
The 2nd most interesting Game this weekend for me is SDSU at BYU. I see us realistically battling these 2 teams for bowl games as the TCU, Utah, & AFA will have much better records (even if we beat Utah which I still think is possible). TCU - well anything is possible if we could find a way to get ACS production he had in the first few games without the turnovers, and AA production from the Wing T we used against AFA, but realistically I think TCU will be very motivated to hang some style points on us as a common opponent of Boise St. I truly hope (and think it is possible) to win, but we would have to play 60 minutes as well or better than we have at any point so far this year. Anyway...back to my point. UNLV, CSU, and NM have dug themselves such a hole I really don't see any of them getting to 6 wins even if they do get hot. (CSU and UNLV are NOT looking like guaranteed wins, just doubt they will reach 6 at this point).

That leaves UW, SDSU, and BYU fighting for those last 2 or 3 spots. At halftime of the Toledo game I felt like we probably would be favored against either one of them. By the end of the game, I was thankful that the coaching staff was so aggressive with the trick playcalling early in the game because we ended up needing it. If we were to play a round robin right now I bet SDSU would be favored and BYU would get the nod over us at home. Oh well, Toledo was favored as well.

Long story short, I will also watch the SDSU vs BYU game (and be rooting for SDSU the whole way). Heck, if things go right, BYU could be eliminated from postseason in the month of October! (if they lose to SDSU, TCU, and WYO)
Fullback41 said:
BYU could be eliminated from postseason in the month of October! (if they lose to SDSU, TCU, and WYO)

That would be a thing of beauty. Brings a tear to my eye thinking about it! :D

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