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That was dispicable.


Well-known member
Outmanned and absolutely no adjustment of the play calling.

I didn't expect a win, but Christ...
I thought it was too much to expect a W too, but did expect to put up a little better fight.

There was literally not one moment in the entire game where there was any doubt as to who was going to win.

Well, now we get to see if this team has anything left in them. There's still two technically winnable games left. Although if they play like this i think the Laramie Plainsmen would beat them.
I seriously had no clue our secondary was THAT bad, but they got completely exposed.
Even if our offense had been remotely close to working, this still would have been a blowout since our corners couldn't stop high school receivers.
I just don't understand our defensive strategy in the secondary. It's not a Cover 2, which you would usually use to prevent the big play. The corners should play up in a Cover 2. its just a 10 yard soft zone. It literally wraps up 10 yards like a christmas present and presents it to the offense.

Our D-Line is big and strong but lacks a speed rusher to disrupt drop back passers like Hall.

BYU is just an absolute terrible match up for our team. Their strengths are our worst weaknesses. Their weaknesses we don't have.
Any kind of pressure or coverage in the secondary could have exposed Max Hall, as he's very prone to interceptions.. however, those things did not happen today. San Diego State is a good passing team, if I remember right.. the game in San Diego is not looking that easy.
The D-line got dominated too. They probably could have handed it off to Unga every play and still scored on every series.
Well that sucked. Not really any positives to take away from that one. Wyoming just didn't show up to play. But, I'm more curious to see how they respond. They could still become bowl eligible and they have two winnable games left. But, do they just give up and roll over like they have in the past seasons, or do they put this behind them and come out and play hard and like they're capable of? Guys have to start stepping up on both sides of the ball and just make the plays they have to make in order to win. And they have to want to win.

So, a bad day, but there is still hope. Its all up to them how they want to go out. Just have to hide and watch.
The worst part is the complete lack of intensity and fire. Even against CU there were plenty of players still competing. Yea ACS made some bad decisions this week, but what the hell is he supposed to do when most plays continue to break down and he has to make decisions while running for his life. How does our O-line continue to play so bad? I can't even imagine what a great D-line like TCU will do to them. Geez, this just really sucks!
Take a look at the rushing stats. Bad front leads to no rushing, which leads to no pass game, which doesn't matter because of the speed of our receivers downfield and the fact that ACS doesnt even have enough time to throw a screen.

If we dont improve the defensive scheme SDSU is going to throttle us as well. Something has got to be done about the secondary and the blitz packages.

I really dont think there is much that can be done to the offense. Our line is terrible and the receivers are slow.

Lets see how well we can recruit. Wasn't that Snow College WR at the game today? Eek.
Until teams respect our running or downfield passing game, the other team is just going to take their best 2 linebackers and tell them to spy ACS the whole day.

I'll be there in SD to see how they respond, better be improved for me to drive down there
I think games like this hurt the program on several levels. First, a good recruit sees a score like that and he thinks "their not competitive and may never be". Second, the confidence the team had built up is effectively gone now. The coaches really have their work cut out to get the guys in a good frame of mind again.

Finally, I hate to say it but a game like that just kicks the fans in the gut. Not only is it embarrassing, but you have to wonder if we are so far from the good teams in this league that we will never be better than 5th or 6th. I know we were competive at Utah, but they dominated us in every statistical category and the score could have been much worse. Sitting there today, what stood out to me is how slow we looked compared to them.

I know there was post earlier in the week asking why don't the fans turn out. This is why. There have been too many games like this the last 10 years. It's no fun being in the stands for that. We literally had nothing to cheer for.

I think the last 3 games are critical. We need to win that csu game and at least compete at SDS. 3 straight losses would be a disaster. It would make me question whether the program can get any better. Let's face it: our 4 wins are against the worst of the worst. I know DC can coach. But can he get quality players in here? Just because their freshman doesn't mean they will be any better next year. That's the hope. But look at Wynell Seldon. I think he was better as a freshman than a senior. Improvement is not guaranteed. We are so deficient at so many positions right now that we may have to play a bunch of freshmen next year as well.
Today is the first day in my life that I am not only embarrassed, but ashamed to be a Wyoming football fan. I have never (and this includes the Koenning days) seen such a poor product put on the field. The players and coaches should be absolutely ashamed of themselves today. The only word that can describe this game is "pathetic". Absolutely pathetic. I'm not sure if we win any more games this year after watching this debacle today.

Fun fact: today was the worst beating we have taken at home since 1922.

WYO1016 said:
Today is the first day in my life that I am not only embarrassed, but ashamed to be a Wyoming football fan. I have never (and this includes the Koenning days) seen such a poor product put on the field. The players and coaches should be absolutely ashamed of themselves today. The only word that can describe this game is "pathetic". Absolutely pathetic. I'm not sure if we win any more games this year after watching this debacle today.

Fun fact: today was the worst beating we have taken at home since 1922.


I was at UW for Vics 3 years. Ive been having flashbacks all day. I still remember watching that GD shotgun draw right up the middle get called 47 times in a row every game. :brick:
That game was tough to watch and I sat in the stands for 3 hours bored. After the first quarter, I was thinking "We have to score sometime." Then the second quarter came around and BYU kept putting points on the board. Wyo looked like the offense might click and do something. Half time comes around. The band does a good job playing "Michael Jackson's Thriller." Crowd gets a laugh or two and some value on the cost of their ticket admission. The High School bands show up and do a nice rendition of "Rag Time Cowboy Joe."

The second half starts. It looks like the offense is trying to operate outside their capabilities. Interceptions, 3rd and 20, things like that. Fans were wishing it was half time again to get our $28 worth of entertainment.

Painful game to watch. I really look forward to the day we get some recruits in and work through our offensive problems. What do we have, 21 or 25 scholarships a year? We are loosing some key players on our defense this year. That's probably going to hurt us.

As bad as we played today, as horrible as that game was to watch, I find some comfort in the fact it will get better. I hope so anyways. I really look forward to the day we walk right over BYU, kick them while they are down, and destroy their morale. Even better yet, kick them down while they are up.

I've been thinking about the implementation of the spread offense. Should we have waited a year before installing it? It doesn't seem like we can hold open any gaps for running and it doesn't seem like we can close them to protect the quarterback. Or is the learning curve big enough that we are going to suffer from its implementation down the road anyways? DC didn't always run the spread, he switched to it midway through his career at Missouri. I don't follow Missouri football at all, so I have no idea what their offense looked like before, but I've heard about the success after.
Now we really get to see how good our coaches are. The only positive yesterday was we didn't have to go home to Provo.
This hurt us bad... i dont know what to say we got no pressure on Hall he picked us apart we couldnt tackle, catch, run, block anything we got dominated BYU scored on every possesion in the first 3 quarters

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