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Texas Tech

He might be pissed, but if there’s anything that he can be happy about, it’s that he does have a group of guys supporting each other, and trying to do something to help the team get better. If they learned anything, it should be that there will be some teams that have more balance and talent than we do, and they might have to slow down a bit. Most of the turnovers were because they were trying to go fast, which worked in the first 2 games. This was a game that needed a little tempo control and letting the game come to them. Obi is a great player, but Tech knew that and put pressure on him. Allen needs to play harder. He looks like his past injuries still linger in his head and he’s afraid to push, or he might blow another knee. The bigs are pretty raw, and realized that rebounds need to be fought for. They’ll be alright. As long as they stay together, don’t start pointing fingers or relying on one guy to be the scorer, they’ll improve. I’m still excited to watch this team grow and hopefully upset some teams along the way. Sunny had a 40 point beat down last year and his team learned and grew, so I believe he knows what he’s doing. Go Pokes!
Rebounding needs to be the first, second, and thrid thing they work on in practice from now until the end of the season. Tech is a damn good team that's going to make a deep tourney run this year, but we didn't even belong in the same building. The most glaring weakness we can fix is rebounding positioning.