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Texas State - Wed. Night


From what I have heard, they are a pretty good team. I think we played down to the level of Johnson & Wales in our last game and if we don't get better defensively and play as a team, we may get shocked in one of our next few games. We can score points, but defense will take this team to the top.
I totally agree that our defense needs to improve. These guys are too athletic to not play better defense then what we have seen so far this season. Texas State is probably the best team we will have faced so far this season. They have a player by the name of Brandon Bush who is a very good player. He is third on the team in scoring right now, but is their best player. If we have a down game, especially defensively, and they have a good game we can definitely loose this game. However, I think our guys will step up. I'm not guaranteeing a win, but I like our chances in this game.

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